what am i doing wrong???


Well-known member
So I have that fairy dust website bookmarked and I saw this combo for parfait amour:

36. Black Tied, Parfait Amour, Moth Brown, White Frost(ignore these last 2, i dont have them).

I put Bare canvas paint, black tied on lid(which was a disaster-it was uneven and dark in middle of lid, light on other parts) blended with 224 and then packed PA on top of that and reblended with 224.

I look like I lost a fight with a raccoon! What am I doing wrong, what brushes are best to apply black tied on the lid(my sonia kashuk brush obviously wasn't helping), what should I do differently? thanks!


Well-known member
I would have reversed your shadows. I would put Parfait Amour on the lid and Black Tied on the crease. Try that and see if it works. Do it on a day when you have time to take it off if it doesn't work like you want it to. Good luck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by depecher
I would have reversed your shadows. I would put Parfait Amour on the lid and Black Tied on the crease. Try that and see if it works. Do it on a day when you have time to take it off if it doesn't work like you want it to. Good luck.

I second this.. the black tied on first will be dark! Parfait amour definately first, black tied in the crease!! In the crease like a windshield wiper motion.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I second this.. the black tied on first will be dark! Parfait amour definately first, black tied in the crease!! In the crease like a windshield wiper motion.

I third this for sure!


Well-known member
If you don't mind me asking...what site were you looking at? What is the site address??? Thanks...

BTW: I'd give you my advice, buuuutttt..I've a hard time w/ BT too...and I think the other gals gave good advice. The only thing I can think of is that you should use a diff. brush...one with denser hair..maybe something like a 213 or a 252....Just a thought


Well-known member
maybe apply black tied FIRST but only in the crease, and then blend it in, packing PA on the lid after that. black tied gets messy since it's glittery and tends to be looser, so if you do it first you can clean up before adding the color.