What are the best, or your favorite shoe discussion forums ?


New member
Can anyone please give links to what you regard as the best and most
active (non-commercial) shoe discussion forums on the net (preferably covering different brands, rather than just 1 brand), whether the forums only cover women's shoes, only cover men's shoes, or cover both gender's shoes.


ok, its not a forum, but i LOVE shoewawa.com.
its based in britain but there are us writers who contribute as well.
they have pics and blurbs of heaps of shoes from all over the place, both high and low end.
you can find it at www.shoewawa.com
p.s. if you do happen to like it and you get to the end of the page, there are extensive archives..scroll down and look in the bar on the right hand side of the page and it has a drop down menu where you can choose what month you want to jump to.
hope that is kinda what you're lookin for!