What are you going to do today?


Well-known member
I hve to relax my hair and then I might roll it up. I also have to wash the dishes and wash some clothes.


Well-known member
Today I am going to do the banking for work, get a coffee then go to work from 11am to 9pm.. then probably come home, clean my brushes and pass out from tiredness! Oh what a thrilling life I lead


Well-known member
I'm going to the Starbinkles for a white mocha. Fay is the BEST!! Then I'm off to work at the spa for a few clients. Oooh, gotta wish mum a happy birthday too! Then I'll come home around 8:30 to start my new book


Well-known member
Today I went and got my hair done, Iam blonde again woohoo
. Tonight Iam going to my friends charity night and then out to party


Well-known member
1. eating lunch [kimchi jjigae, yum!!!!]
2. studying for my microbiology exam [i have it on tuesday! ickkkk]
3. dinner date with one of my sorority sisters before our meeting tonight
4. sorority meeting @ 7
5. studying for my micro test again for the rest of the night!



Well-known member
I have a day off work, so I have a fun-filled day ahead of laundry, washing and setting my hair, cleaning the bathrooms...


Well-known member
School starts here again today after two weeks Easter holidays. I am a teacher and must go back now, too


Well-known member
Today I have been taking far too many pictures for my own good and doing dreads. Tomorrow will probably be the same lol


Well-known member
ehh, nothing. im unemployed currently so im applying to jobs. i slept all day, and applied to jobs. oh and i got my lorac best dressed palette and time balm conceleros from thebalm!!! so gonan go play with that.