What are you wearing today?


Well-known member
^^ Even lovers need holiday from each other!

Chill collection is on MAC site (US)! My gosh.. The girl is gorgeous, but her neck colour is totally different from her face colour.. Maybe my geisha makeup yesterday wasn't that bad afterall!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by miss_bailey
Spectrolite: Thats sounds too Pretty!

^^Thank you >_< It turned out great considering how sleepy I was this morning. The green on the lower lash line really popped with the purpley backdrop. And I can't say enough nice things about Hothouse lipglass. It's soooo pretty and I wish that Mac would bring it back.


Well-known member
Good morning! A rosey bronzey look for me today~

MUFE HD primer
MUFE HD foundation
MUFE HD powder
MUFE Camouflage palette
Facefront Buenos Aires powder blush
Soft & Gentle MSF

Too Faced Shadow Insurance
MUFE Pearly Shadow White (inner corner)
Rubenesque PP (mid lid & outer corner)
Nylon e/s (inner corner)
Dangerzone Red + Fix + (mid lid)
Maroon p/g (v & crease)
Jardin Aires (highlight)
Dazzle Lash

Lip Plump
Sweet & Single l/s
Date Night d/g


Well-known member
Oh dear .. what a day!

After two days off sick, I wake up extra late this morning and it barely had enough time to grab the GHD to straighten my hair after washing it last night - and certainly no time to wear make-up; I grabbed a few things from the counter-top to drag in with me to do as soon as I got in - but unfortunately no time. Wow, almost no make-up today
.. I did manage to dab on some mascara on the way in to work in the car at least .. I don't think I could face the world without that!

I honestly cant believe how naked I feel without make-up on .. lol ..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Hope you feel better! Doesn't MrsMay have any makeup stuff you could borrow?

I grabbed a whole bag full of stuff in - foundation, powder, eyeshadow, etc - but I've been too flat out with work to go into the ladies to actually *use* any of it ... 2 hours of meetings this morning, this has been my first real break all day .. Now it's nearly 3:30pm I barely see any point putting it on

On one side, I'm actually surprised that my skin doesn't look *too* bad, but I'm kinda missing the fun playing around with stuff ..

Originally Posted by sambibabe
Ooohh GHD

I *love* my GHD ... When I was forced to be without it for 2-3 weeks only a month after I got it I was in hell .. lol ... was soooo great to get it back .. lol - i could have Good Hair Days once more

The other plus side of getting back from 2 days off-sick is that I came back to a tonne of stuff that had arrived from the US from other Specktra users -- YaY!

Warm Soul Mineralised Blush, Non-Conformist Fluidline, and 8 eyeshadows -- Belle Azure, Chill Blue, Swan Lake, Little Minx, Leisuretime, Cumulus, Shore Leave (a backup) and Tilt (for MrsMay).

I was looking through my eyeshadows last night and realised that once I've depotted the eyeshadows I already have and these new ones I'm going to have filled four 15-pan palettes
.. yikes.


Well-known member
LOL.. I hate talking to people when I have no makeup on!

I got sucked in to buy SilverBullet instead of GHD.. Now I am stuck with it! I would love to have a mini, cordless hair straightner though!

Wow.. you have been busy, jrm! Would love to see Warm Soul and Non-Conformist.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
LOL.. I hate talking to people when I have no makeup on!

OMG, totally know what you mean; I'm still working on my self-confidence generally , so without make-up on (and feeling kinda naked because of it) doesn't help things. I've found that Make-up and feeling good about how I look has been a positive influence on my self-confidence, but I'm concerned that it could end up being a crutch. A difficult one to balance!

Originally Posted by sambibabe
I got sucked in to buy SilverBullet instead of GHD.. Now I am stuck with it! I would love to have a mini, cordless hair straightner though!

mmmmm .. Something you could carry in your handbag everywhere for touchups .. mmmm ..

Originally Posted by sambibabe
Wow.. you have been busy, jrm! Would love to see Warm Soul and Non-Conformist.

Hehehehe .. Yeah ... I've received so much stuff lately - I've been BAD! What can I say -
.. tehehe ..

Here's a pic of some of my collection as of a while ago (click for a larger image):

Scary given how much I've bought since this pic or how much I have at all given I only really got into make-up in like April or so this year ... (*shakes fist at MrsMay* .. lol...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jrm

Scary given how much I've bought since this pic or how much I have at all given I only really got into make-up in like April or so this year ... (*shakes fist at MrsMay* .. lol...

Dont you blame me for your additiction!!!!!!!
I am sweet and innocent.... Adina told me so!

My look today:

Vanilla pigment (highlight)
Stray Grey paintpot (lid)
Coco pigment (lid)
Sweet Sienna pigment (crease)
Blacktrack fluidline
CG Volume Exact mascara

Inglot skin primer
Studio Tech NW15
Sweetness BPB
MUFE HD Powder

Chanel lipliner "Pivione"
Lovechild lipglass


Well-known member
I've been so exhausted lately due to the Christmas madness at work. I can barely remember what I put on this morning. Something like this:


Shadow Insurance
Otherwordly paint pot
Haunting e/s - Lids
Mutiny piggie - Inner corners
A Little Folie - Crease
Climate Blue - Crease
That blue color from Fafi Eyes 1 - Very lightly in the crease w/pencil brush
Reflects Purple Duo - Crease (that's 4 just in the crease sambi! lolz...)
Inglot Pigment in some blue violety colour - Lower lash line
Heavenly Natural Beauty "Wish" and Femme Fi - Highlight


Mineralized Powder Foundation
MSF Natural
Trace Gold - Highlight
Earthen Glow Minerals "Pink Perfection" - Blush
Gleeful - Blush
Feline + Blacktrack

Badger Balm
Comet Blue Dazzleglass



Well-known member
Originally Posted by jrm
OMG, totally know what you mean; I'm still working on my self-confidence generally , so without make-up on (and feeling kinda naked because of it) doesn't help things. I've found that Make-up and feeling good about how I look has been a positive influence on my self-confidence, but I'm concerned that it could end up being a crutch. A difficult one to balance!

I agree.. Not having makeup on is like walking naked on a beach (non nudey ones)
Not having eyeshadows, liners, mascaras, etc doesn't worry that much, but I just don't want to scare people by showing up with a bare skin and no eyebrows!

Yeah, I want that portable hair straightner! Bring on the humid days!

So are we doing the makeup porn now?
jrm, you are supposed to show the current stash, so we can see 'before & after'! Actually I would love to see MrsMay's pigment stash and spectolite's eyeshadows stash


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MrsMay
Dont you blame me for your additiction!!!!!!!
I am sweet and innocent.... Adina told me so!

mmmm .. you may look sweet and innocent, but we all know looks can be deceiving

Originally Posted by sambibabe
I agree.. Not having makeup on is like walking naked on a beach (non nudey ones)
Not having eyeshadows, liners, mascaras, etc doesn't worry that much, but I just don't want to scare people by showing up with a bare skin and no eyebrows!

Yeah, I'm not sure I could face the world without mascara at the least, and I'd certainly prefer to be wearing foundation, and some eyeliner too if I can. But, eyeshadows, darkening/defining my eyebrows, etc I can skip if I'm in a rush or not in the mood.

Originally Posted by sambibabe
So are we doing the makeup porn now?
jrm, you are supposed to show the current stash, so we can see 'before & after'! Actually I would love to see MrsMay's pigment stash and spectolite's eyeshadows stash

Well, I do have earlier pics from when I had a smaller collection, and minor pics since - but maybe I do need to take some updated pics - with the extra lipsticks, lipglosses, eyeshadows, blushes I've since bought - along with the foundation, mascara, and my small pigment collection also included (that I missed in the previous pics). I dont have a big collection of lip-related products really - mostly eyeshadows. I've also fallen in love with mineralised blushes lately, but I've never been too into lip products ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jrm
mmmm .. you may look sweet and innocent, but we all know looks can be deceiving

I dont know what you're talking about


Well-known member
ohh jrm, you would so fill out your brows, if you had no brows like me

Oh okay.. I am starting to think these two SA ladies have something going on down there..


Well-known member
A purple look today~

MUFE everything
NARS Amour Blush
Soft & Gentle

Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Delft pp
Blondes Gold p/g(inner corner)
Apricot Pink p/g (mid lid)
Pinked Mauve p/g (crease)
Maroon p/g (v)
Survival Paint (to make sticky base for the glitters)
Reflects Very Pink (mid lid)
Vanilla & Nylon e/s (highlight)
UD 24/7 liner 'lucky' - bright purple
Prime+Prep Lash
Dazzle Lash

Lip Fusion Plump
Current l/l
Up The Amp l/s
Sugarimmed l/g

Thanks to my pigments fairy for all of the new, 13 samples! Wish I could wear them all at once!!


Well-known member
Haha sambi you're so funny! I can't remember all the colours I'm wearing today on my eyes. But it's purple.. to keep it simple! Haha


My new inglot foundation that actually is the right colour
(I'm really liking it actually!)
Inglot face primer
NP concealer
Stark Naked blush
Light Flush MSF
Inglot loose powder (It has sparkles in it!!)


A pink paintpot, I forget the name
Sunset B. e/s
Trax e/s
Hepcat e/s
Parfait Amour e/s
Shale e/s
Satellite Dreams e/s
Vellum e/s

phew! I think that was all of them haha.

Blitz & Glitz fluidline
Plushlash mascara


Sapilicious lip gelee


Well-known member
^^ Yes, simplyenchantin, I already finished the brain exercise for the day.

LOL @ pink paintpot.. Is it Fresco Rose?

Now I understand why you have a problem remembering stuff.. Oh boy, how many eyeshadows are there? Tomorrow, I am divinding my eye lids into 10 parts and somehow try to pack 10 colours


Well-known member
Lol sam! You do that :p I just like to mix colours and make a big mess, it's not like it looks any good! Just for reference, i put Susnet B on the lid, trax on the inner half, hepcat on the outer half, satellite dreams on the outer crease/browbone, parfait amour just in the outer crease, shale kind of on the inner crease and vellum to highlight! Phew, that was long, I probably should've done it in my first post the way spectrolite does lol :p

Umm it was either fresco rose or perky? hehe.


Well-known member
Hey chickies... I picked up Brave Red l/s (cremesheen) yesterday so I decided to do a look with it today

Word of mouth MES light side all over lid (applied wet)
Word of mouth MES grey side in crease
Blacktrack fluidline
CG Volume Effect mascara

Inglot skin primer
NW15 Studio Tech
Stark Naked BPB
MUFE HD Powder

Brick lipliner
Brave Red lipstick (love this!)

Sambibabe... wow - it's easy to see who wanted to play with their new piggies lol...

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