What are you wearing today?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
LOL.. Don't you hate that? We should have a checklist in front of mirror to remind us, 'have you applied this and that today?'. Mine is a bit of overkill.. I can't wear just UDPP or TFSI.. I have to apply PP/CCB/Paintstick or Survival paint

lol yeah... I HAVE to wear UDPP otherwise my shadow creases within the hour

But it generally depends on the look I am going for as to whether I use a paint or paint pot underneath (also depends on whether I have a close enough colour to match to it lol)


Well-known member
You must have a lot of PP, MrsMay! I like playing with non-matching PP and shadow colours.. Like Delft & Apricot Pink/Pink Pearl and Fresco Rose with Mutiny lol


Well-known member
^^ surprisingly, I dont have a lot of paintpots...

Hmmm, I have:
Cash Flow
Stray Grey

That's it! lol...


Well-known member
I want to have a look at Cash Flow, Perky and Girl Friendly in person, before buying one.. I heard Girl Friendly is bleh, but who knows.. It might POP on my skintone lol..

Now I think about it.. Most of your PPs are neutral colours! o_O


Active member
Mrs.May: I looked a few of those limited Paint pots up on ebay,and they're beautiful! I wished I would have started collecting mac sonner
can you do a look using the Otherwordly paint pot? I'm thinking about buying it off of Ebay, but I have no idea what to do with it.

For paintpots I have:
Moss Scape
Fresco Rose

I also love the shadesticks, I wish I have more of them lol. I have:
Lukcy Jade

Have any of you tried the Benefit creaseless shadows?
I have them and i love them~!


Well-known member
^^I wore a red black look today for Christmas that I've posted about before so I won't bother doing it again.

I'm a paint pot junkie. I need more!

I have:

Nice Vice
Electro Sky
Otherworldly - looks great with Haunting, Mutiny, any teal/blue colour. The texture is really creamy and a bit thicker than my other paint pots. I apply it with my fingers rather than a brush.

Next on my list is Painterly and Artifact. I was hoping that there would be some new paint pots with the Hello Kitty collection but no such luck.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
You can get Otherworldly cheaper from the Clearance Bin.

what? Clearance bin? where? huh?


Well-known member
^^ Haha!! Wish there was such thing here though, like CCO for MAC, NARS..

What did everyone get from Santa? Maybe someone should start a haul thread, so we can show off what we got.. Did you get MUFE stuff, MrsMay? Oh doh.. Media Makeup is closed till next year..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Now I think about it.. Most of your PPs are neutral colours! o_O

Yep, surprisingly, they are neutral colours but I use them as a base to give the brighter colours more depth

Originally Posted by vivbabe10
Mrs.May: I looked a few of those limited Paint pots up on ebay,and they're beautiful! I wished I would have started collecting mac sonner
can you do a look using the Otherwordly paint pot? I'm thinking about buying it off of Ebay, but I have no idea what to do with it.

Have any of you tried the Benefit creaseless shadows?

I have them and i love them~!

I will to do a look with Otherworldly next week... maybe with mutiny pigment perhaps? To give you an idea... as of less than a year ago I didnt have any paintpots, and they were almost all bought from the clearance bin... you will be surprised what you will find in there if you keep your eyes open!

Originally Posted by spectrolite
^^I wore a red black look today for Christmas that I've posted about before so I won't bother doing it again.

I'm a paint pot junkie. I need more!

You can never have enough paintpots!

Originally Posted by sambibabe
What did everyone get from Santa? Maybe someone should start a haul thread, so we can show off what we got.. Did you get MUFE stuff, MrsMay? Oh doh.. Media Makeup is closed till next year..

Santa knew exactly what I wanted this year

I received:
$80.00 voucher for MediaMakeup (MUFE stockist)
$100.00 cash from my parents (for makeup)
$50.00 voucher for Cyber Emporium
$100.00 Ikea voucher from Father in law (to be shared with hubby)
$50.00 Bunnings voucher from Father in law (to be shared with hubby)
from my hubby I got my new 900mm stove and rangehood for the new house.... now I just have to wait for them to build it so I can use it lol!

The makeup looks over xmas were fairly tame.... mainly were neutrals!

Today was a little different though... I must have been craving colour!

Phloof! (highlight and inner 1/4 lid)
Parrot (outer 3/4 lid)
Smoke & Diamonds (crease)
Blacktrack fluidline
CG Volume Exact Mascara

Inglot skin primer
NW20 Studio Tech
Feeling BPB
MUFE HD Powder

Plum lipliner (very lightly)
Lightly Ripe lipstick

On another note... I just went shopping at Inglot today and they haev 20% off until the end of December! Yay! I think I have decided that I will be picking up their traincase ($150) soon as well. I noticed that they now have some gel eyeliners which looked fantastic... brighter colours than MAC or Bobbi Brown, they even had a true red! I have a sample of the black one to see what they are like.

From memory, the colours that they had were:
mid purple
dark Brown
mid brown
lighter teal
royal blue
sky blue
mid green

They probably had more, but that's all I can remember off the top of my head! Oh, and the fact that they are all matte too...


Well-known member
^^Oooo Inglot traincase?? Is it good quality? I've been looking for one for aaaages. I was going to buy one from this place:

Makeup Cases

but it would be good to see some alternatives before I shell out the cash.


Well-known member
^^Wow.. the pink traincase looks great (trixi)!
I don't care much about the traincase as yet (emphasis on 'yet'), but I would love to have a makeup counter like MAC has.. The white one with lots of drawers, a huge mirror and halogen lights.

MrsMay, obviously you have been a good girl
Santa got me some sunburns as well as makeup goodies:
*Artifact PP
*Greenstroke PP
*Trax e/s
*Cranberry e/s
*Steamy e/s
*Club e/s
*Brush Cleanser
*Clinique Happy fragrance set
*MUFE Sunkist Travel Brush set (MrsMay, check out their eyeliner brush!)
*Dame Edna (coming next week)

Today, I decided to wear strong purple.. Somehow if I wear strong eye colours, MUAs always comment on them.. Weird.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by spectrolite
^^Oooo Inglot traincase?? Is it good quality? I've been looking for one for aaaages. I was going to buy one from this place:

Makeup Cases

but it would be good to see some alternatives before I shell out the cash.

To be honest I havent looked at that many traincases so I couldnt really compare... but it looked ok to me?

Originally Posted by sambibabe
MrsMay, obviously you have been a good girl
Santa got me some sunburns as well as makeup goodies:
*Artifact PP
*Greenstroke PP
*Trax e/s
*Cranberry e/s
*Steamy e/s
*Club e/s
*Brush Cleanser
*Clinique Happy fragrance set
*MUFE Sunkist Travel Brush set (MrsMay, check out their eyeliner brush!)
*Dame Edna (coming next week)

You should know I'm always a good girl Sambibabe

I will definately check out their eyeliner brush when I go there next week


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MrsMay
I will definately check out their eyeliner brush when I go there next week

You are so lucky that you can just go and check out MUFE stuff! I got the MUFE eyeliner brush (travel size), but now I think it is not the eyeliner brush (2S), but 6N, just a small shadow brush? I have to go by the web pictures and it is confusing Grr.. it works well as an eyeliner brush though.. Just a little stiffer than BB ultra fine liner brush, I think.

Anyway, back to civillisation and I am wearing makeup today!! Silver & Teal look for me:

MUFE stuff as usual
Pink Swoon Blush
Petticoat MSF

Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Rollickin PP
Aquadisiac e/s (all over lid)
Steamy e/s (outer corner)
Bell Bottom Blue p/g (crease)
Club e/s (darken outer corner a bit more)
UD 24/7 liner Electric - bright turquoise eyeliner (lower lash)
MUFE Pearl eyeliner - white (inner corner)
MUFE Star Powder - silver (lower lash)
Dazzle Lash

Lip Fusion Plumper
Benefit Posie Tint
MAC clear gloss


Well-known member
Well ladies... I tried out the new Inglot eyeliner... and I think I have found my new HG!!! Its darker than Feline or Blacktrack and creamier than Blacktrack... and stays on better!

I have posted comparison pics in the Cosmetic Discussion thread if anyone wants to check them out...

Today was a silver day for me!

Frost pigment (highlight)
Silver Fog pigment (lid)
Dark Soul pigment (crease)
Black Tied e/s (outer v)
Inglot gel eyeliner in black (LOOOOOOOOVE this stuff!!!)
Cover Girl Volume Exact mascara

Inglot skin primer
NW20 Studio Tech
True Romantic BPB
MUFE HD Powder

Pink Treat cremestick liner
Sugarrimed lipglass

Pics are in my FOTD thread


Well-known member
After 30 minutes sleep last night and an emergency visit to the dentist for the first stage of a root canal this morning saw me wearing the following today:

MAC Dipdown fluidline
MAC Whole Brown mascara
Warm Soul Mineralized blush

... and that's about it; Really, just something for my eyes, and some color on my cheeks. With the pain I was in, I didn't feel up to doing anything much - and I don't ike to leave the house without *something* on my eyes...
What a day.


Well-known member
^^ Ouch jrm!! Hugs to you.. I had one like that too and lost 5kg in a week.. I went to my dentist to pull out the damn thing straight away, because the pain was unbearable.. Poor jrm! LOL.. I can't believe you still put those three products.. At least you are in pain, but still looks great!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
^^ Ouch jrm!! Hugs to you.. I had one like that too and lost 5kg in a week.. I went to my dentist to pull out the damn thing straight away, because the pain was unbearable.. Poor jrm! LOL.. I can't believe you still put those three products.. At least you are in pain, but still looks great!

I contemplated getting it extracted, but she reckoned it was recoverable with a root canal and a crown..

I blow-dried and GHD'd my hair straight too .. just cos I'm in terrible pain doesn't mean I don't wanna look good. LOL .. I hate not putting effort in, I almost refuse to go out without at least mascara ...

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