lol! Yeah maybe
. I might go searching for it XD.
Yeah, I'm so upset about it... especially because some idiots vandalised my scooter in December. My b/f is such a sweetie and offered to buy me the jacket.
I don't know this lipstick queen. I think undertones really show up on my lips though, because I have such dark pigmented lips. Like Modesty l/s looks pink on me.
I tried snob last week, it's looked nicer than gaga on me, but still weird. Snob is brighter on me.
My line of thought with lipsticks is it's not what colour skin you are but what colour your lips are that plays most impact on what l/s suits you or not. I've seen many people on Youtube with NC40-42 on youtube that gaga looked great on.
Stupid pigmented lips. One MUA is fascinated with my lips and wants to try on different lipsticks on me every time I go to her shop. I was so hopeful about lip erase, but it made the situation worse >.>. Someone recommended bubbles, so I'm going to order that when I do my big order with nordies again XD.