What are you wearing today?


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Originally Posted by sambibabe



Well-known member
I tried MUFE Mat Velvet samples in 20 and 25 and I can't tell ANY difference.. HELP!

And everyone, your looks all sound so pretty <3


Well-known member
Thanks hun.. I am so crap at this. If I'm an NW am I pink or yellow? lol. I'm leaning towards the 25 but I'm not sure if it's too light completely. When I compare how it looks to the colour of NW20 studio fix fluid, the NW20 is noticeably darker but they probably change colour on the skin. Maybe I'm actually a 30 in the Mat Velvet. Having no counter sucks.


Well-known member
You are definitely pink!
I am NC20-25, but somehow MAC MUA gave me NW20 concealer.. #25 applies a bit light on me, but than somehow it doesn't look light, when I am finished
#30 doesn't look that much darker than #25, so yeah, maybe #30?


Well-known member
Hmmmm I wonder if Media Make up will get annoyed if I ask for another sample lol. It isn't enough to cover my face very well
I'll have to ask someone for an opinion in person, I have no clue how to colour match myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
What did you get in the mail today, MrsMay?

Specktrolite, I agree with you re BBR.. Once it is released here, I am going to get a couple more shadows. I was going to get a couple of lipsticks (b2m) as well, but I might save it for Creme Team.. Grrr decision, decisions..

I'm depotting this weekend!! I have 8 shadows to add to my pile of empties. I'm definitely going to B2M for a few of those BBR lippies. I also want to get the #214 brush and a few more of the shadows, then I really gotta save for Hello Kitty AND Sugar Sweet which I am realllly excited about. I think it looks better than Hello Kitty :x


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simplyenchantin, it was a bit of gamble for me, when it came down to choosing the correct Mat Velvet shade.. I tried the first two shades, but didn't really know what #25 was like.. But I ordered it anyway! I thought if it was a bit dark, then I would wear it for summer lol..

spectrolite, I have 4 lipsticks to b2m, but not sure if it is worth to get Marquis D' and All's Fair! Grrrr.. So annoying. Why so many good collections, one after the other! Crap.. No electricity!


Well-known member
^^I put all of my lippies in the fridge lol.. It's too hot and I don't want them to melt.

Teal look for me for today. Teal piggie where have you been all my life? You are so beautifullll

Prep + Prime Skin Protect
Velvet Matte Primer
MSF Natural

Shadow Insurance
Delft p/p
Teal piggie <3 - Lids + Lower lash line
Warm Chill - Inner corners
Beauty Burst - Crease
Bottle Green - Outer V
Carbon - To deepen
Reflects Transparent Teal - Lids - sooo gorgeous >_<
Nanogold + Femme Fi - Highlight
Feline + Blacktrack Liners
Lashblast Mascara - lovin this stuff!!

Trace Gold - Highlight
Merrily - Blush
Brunette MSF - The first lighest coloured strip

Hmmm I want to wear Quick Tease l/g but I dunno if it will go... I'll soon find out!


Well-known member
My lippies are in the fridge too!

Dior Snow 50+ SPF primer
MUFE stop shining gel
VOV BB cream Tinted Moisturizer
MUFE HD powder
Bobbi Brown Apricot Blush
Vanilla p/g (highlight)

MUFE Pearl pencil in White (all over lid)
Spiritualize p/g (mid lid)
Forest Green p/g (crease)
Quick Frost p/g (highlight)
Felt Tip liner in Black
UD 24/7 liner in Covet - bright green (lower lash)
Dazzle Lash

Quick Tease l/g


Well-known member
Sound v nice Spectrolite!

I was going to get Marquise 'd, but I think I'm gonna go for What A Do! (B2M) instead. Hopefully they let me do B2M with the BBR collection. I'll be slightly miffed if they don't.

That reminds me, MrsMay did you get on to Tess? And thanks again for the hookup yesterday. lol. I hope you've relocated again to the a/c office!!

My makeup was slightly melted come 5pm yesterday (perhaps I shouldn't have gone blackground heavy smokey eyes on a 45 degree day? hmm), so I've gone for much lighter/'hardly there' matte-ish tones today.

Bare Canvas
Shroom (highlight)
Scant (lid)
Ambience (crease)
Penultimate liner (top lid)
Dior Show
Inglot White Pencil (lower lashline)


Well-known member
^^ I havent gotten on to Tess yet, will let ya know when I do

Today was a brown kinda look...

Inglot off white shadow with a greeny gold duochrome (highlight)
Old Gold pigment with Mixing Medium foiled on lid
Copperbeam pigment (crease)
Inglot gel eyeliner in dark brown
CG Volume Exact mascara

MUFE All Mat
Velvet Mat +
MUFE HD Powder
Shy Beauty BPB
Redhead MSF - lightest strip for highlight

Spice lipliner
Sugarrimed d/g


Well-known member
Rah.. it's so hot.

I need some help..

1. Do you guys know any good posts/tutorials for de-potting es and potting pigments?

2. Also looking for a good tutorial on blending... I would like to get better at this. I think my problem is that I'm applying too much product (es/pigment).


Well-known member
^^Thanks ladies >_< I was really happy with my look today. And yes it is too friggin hot
My poor computer sounds like a shuttle about to launch into space.

To depot my shadows I use the candle method. I don't have a flat iron so this was the easiest way for me to do it. Here is a link to the tutorial I learned from: clicky

It was like 43 degrees today or something rediculous like that but when I got home to inspect the horror show that was my makeup after working all day I was surprised to see that it looked really good!! I attribute this success to my newest love: Barrier Spray. It's magic! Here is a link to a place that sells it in Melbourne. clicky
Money very well spent I reckon.



Well-known member
Pink Swoon blush (Manish) and Sweetness Beauty powder

Pandamonium, Illegal Cargo, Lovely Lily and Lark About and Blitz and Glitz fluidline

Laura Mercier primer, foundation and powder

Refined Golden bronzer

Bone Beige/ Emphasize contour highlight

Girl About Town and Pink Manish from the Manish collection

New purchases, Too Faced the slender tube mascara (it sucks!) and Lingering brow pencil (I love)

nice vice pp


Well-known member
^^ ooohh GAT & Pink Manish sounds great.. Might try this on the weekend!

With depotting e/s.. I don't use the heat method, because I have no patience whatsoever.. I just use Koren's no heat method. He uses alcohol in his tutorial, but I don't even use that either.

I went home early yesterday and slept all day & evening.. So not only my face is puffed up like a marshmallow man, I couldn't be bothered taking all my make up out of the fridge (lipsticks, foundations, concealers, paint pots, CCBs and moisturisers etc), so I used whatever on the table. No problem with those products, but I was sweating, so I couldn't be bothered applying properly either..So what I am trying to say is - I look like SHIT!

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