What are you wearing today?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
Eeek.. is it going to be 43 in Adelaide today? We are not expecting the temp to reach 43 until tomorrow.. At least from Sunday, it is going to be mid 20s!

Yeah, UDPP is good, but I prefer Too Faced Shadow Insurance, because I can get it locally for $30!

Yeah, it's gonna be 43 or something ridiculous in Adelaide today.

Since when can we get TFSI locally???? what have I missed???

Originally Posted by CatsMeow
What's UDPP Sin??

That's good news re the Inglot Black Gel Liner - how long had they been outta stock? Weeks, wasn't it?!

UDPP Sin is a new colour of UDPP. It's the same colour as their "Sin" eyeshadow which is a shimmery beige

re the Inglot liner - yep, I have been waiting for this since before Christmas! I went back to blacktrack the other day cos I was out of my sample and I couldnt believe how much I preferrred the Inglot one for both texture and colour!


Well-known member
MrsMay! I got my TFSI from KIT cosmetics last year.. Oh, just checked their website and they don't have a store in SA.. Let me know if you need one, I can CP it for you.

OMG, they even have Shadow Insurance Policy in stock.. I was lemming this on Sephora site this morning!!

Swatch from Pursebuzz:


Well-known member
I've learnt shimmery bases do not work for me! So the appeal of Sin isn't really there.

I don't use blacktrack above the lashline - too hard, for that I use Penultimate and other liquid liners. Only use it in the inner lash line (I hate it when I have a daft moment and it ends up in my eyes - ugh).

Shadow Insurance Policy? What is that? Am I missing something here? heheh

BBR next week - YAY! (BOO! goes my credit card. lol)


Well-known member
That's so interesting, CatsMeow! I suck at liquid eyeliner coz I have shakey hands and I find fluidline/other gel liners + brush SO much easier. I haven't got the hang of the penultimate yet.. can't get the same thickness on both eyes


Well-known member
I'm so annoyed that its going to be 40+ here tomorrow. I'm officially sick of summer. Bring on Winter!! I'm thinking of a simple look for tomorrow... but for today it was a purple explosion!

Nice Vice p/p
Outspoken Trio - Purple side wet - Lids
Beauty Burst - Crease
Vibrant Grape - Crease over top of Beauty Burst
Beauty Marked - Outer v
Stars n' Rockets + Beautiful Iris - Inner corners
Raven Kohl Power - Lower lash line
Entremauve - Lower lash line - on top of Raven
Vellum - Brow highlight
Feline + Blacktrack + Lash Blast

Trace Gold - Highlight
Nars Crazed Blush
Blonde MSF.. my precioussss

Pomposity + Hot Frost - morning lip
Crushed Bougainvillea + Clear Gloss - day lip


Well-known member
Originally Posted by simplyenchantin
That's so interesting, CatsMeow! I suck at liquid eyeliner coz I have shakey hands and I find fluidline/other gel liners + brush SO much easier. I haven't got the hang of the penultimate yet.. can't get the same thickness on both eyes

I dont use liquid liners becuase the liquid gets all over my lashes and hence gets everywhere! these lashes are a pain in the ass sometimes lol...


Well-known member
Oh you poor thing!!! lol

Simplyenchantin - anything that more resembles a texta or felt tip pen, i'm better with than say, paint-type material!


Well-known member
Last night's look (was rather pleased with this one):
Didn't have time to take a pic tho.

Will have to replicate again and do FOTD some time this week!

Select Moisturecover (concealer)
MSF SPF15 (foundation)
MSF Light Med (highlight)
Stark Naked (blush)

Bare Canvas paint (lid)
Gold Dusk (inner 1/3 lid + above crease/brow bone)
Retrospeck (highlight)
Bell Bottom Blue (outer 2/3 lid)
Steel Blue (crease + outer V)
Prussian (outer V)
Carbon (bottom outer 1/3 lashline + outer V)
Reflects Transparent Teal (inner 1/3 V + bottom lashline)
Blacktrack Fluidline (upper lashline)
Dior Show

Mauvelicious (no idea what brand!)
Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Strawberry Fizz


Well-known member
^^Wow that look sounds awesome CatsMeow! I love Bell Bottom Blue so much.

Today I didn't go anywhere but I played with my makeup. I wanted to try my new brushes out! It was kind of fun sitting around in my pj's looking faaaabbulous all day >_<

Mehron Velvet Finish Primer
MSF Natural - Deep Dark

Shadow Insurance
Rollickin p/p
Haunting e/s - Lids
Newly Minted - Inner corners
Cloudburst + Plumage + Bottlegreen - Mixed together in the outer v
Gulf Stream - Lower lash line
Warm Chill - Brow highlight
Feline Kohl Power
Lash Blast

Full Fuschia blush
Blonde MSF

Chestnut lip pencil
Soft Wave lipglass


Well-known member
I had to wear 'Blowdry' look, because I went to MAC lol.. I know - lame!

Yeah, I agree.. I love Steel Blue, Retrospeck & Bell Bottom Blue!

Oh, I love Newlyminted, too, Spectrolite, but not as much as Pretty Twisted.. lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
I had to wear 'Blowdry' look, because I went to MAC lol.. I know - lame!

Yeah, I agree.. I love Steel Blue, Retrospeck & Bell Bottom Blue!

Oh, I love Newlyminted, too, Spectrolite, but not as much as Pretty Twisted.. lol

I have a love hate relationship with Newly Minted. The only way I can get it to show up like it does in the pan is to put it over Rollickin, or that aqua McQeen paint pot(Otherwordly??) and even then it darkens considerably. It always ends up a dark teal colour grrr! But it looked amazing today paired with Haunting. I kind of patted it on top of Haunting and the colour stayed true. Pretty Twisted sounds nice too. I might try and find it because I must have ALL the teals >_<!


Well-known member
Cheers ladies!

I played around with blackground pp this morning. I find that I tend to use fewer pigment colours when I use it as a base. I was tempted to whack Steel Blue on there instead of Copperized - but I figured I should depart from blues today given I used them all on the weekend!

I never wore blue eyeshadow prior getting into MAC, probably in fear of looking like some 70s tragic - but I find that blue makes my brown eyes pop better than any other colour. Teals are good as well. Anyhoo...

Select Moisturecover (concealer)
MSF SPF15 (foundation)
Margin (blush)

Blackground pp (lid)
Gold Dusk (inner 2/3 lid + above crease/brow bone)
Retrospeck (highlight)
Copperized (outer 1/3 lid + crease + outer 2/3 lower lashline)
Inglot white pencil (inner 1/3 lashline)
Penultimate liner (upper lashline only)
Dior Show

Victoria's Secret Beauty Rush Strawberry Fizz

PS - Thank heavens it's COOLER this week!!


Well-known member
Yeah cooler weather till the weekend in Melbourne! Grrr.. When is summer officially over?

A quick look for me as I was running late for an appointment this morning..

MUFE HD Blue Primer
MUFE Mat Velvet +
MUFE Duo Mat powder
Benefit Erase Paste Concealer
thought Redhead was pretty- Blonde is stunning!

MUFE Flash Colour in Purple - just like matt paint pot, but more intense colour
Reflects Blue glitter
Lark About p/g (highlight)
UD 24/7 liner in Lucky - bright purple
Dazzle Lash

Inglot Lip Paint #56 - violet pink

spectrolite, Pretty Twisted is gorgeous matt teal (cracked one on bottom left) and Newly Minted on top right. If I knew Pretty Twisted was super rare, I would have handled it a bit better



Well-known member
Don't say blonde MSF is good!!!!!!
I'm already forking out enough for BBR (i've just resorted to getting Redhead MSF only!).


Well-known member
^^ Tell me about it! I've resisted Blonde MSF so hard, but boy am glad I have no self control
Get both CatsMeow! lol.. At least I don't have to pay for HK and it is going to be a small haul (for now anyway).


Well-known member
Don't tempt me, samibabe!!!

I'm guessing Blonde MSF is more suited to the cooler tones of makeup, yeah?
BBR is such a wearable collection. I'm in no danger of buying HK - it's just not my style. But BBR is SO wearable!


Well-known member
Blonde is warm pink? I think it is a bit more pigmented than Redhead? On my skintone (I am half way between NC20 and NW20), Redhead MSF is a bit like peachy brown and Blonde MSF is peachy pink. I am even going to get a back up for this!

Yeah, I agree it is so wearable.. I bought nearly whole collection, because I love the colours so much! Just not into BBR lippy stuff though, because I am not into subtle lips lol.. I am saving all my B2M for Creamteam!


Well-known member
ok.. here's my look for today:

Inglot white e/s with sparkles - highlight
Tilt e/s - lid
Wait 'til Dark e/s - crease
Inglot gel eyeliner in black
CG Volume Exact mascara

Inglot skin primer
MUFE HD Foundation & Powder
Pleasantry mineralised blush

Pink Treat cremestick liner
Baby Sparks d/g

Well I finally managed to get my hands on a full size of the Inglot gel eyeliner in black! yay!!

Also - for the girls who are interested, Inglot are doing 2 for 1 pigments at the moment... I picked up a silver and a teal today


Well-known member
I noticed some of my Metal-x shadows are cracked!
Must be the heat.
Oh well.. Lucky they are not powdery!

MUFE stuff as usual
Blonde MSF

Bare Study p/p
Metal-x Gilded Ash e/s (all over lid)
Metal-x Forged Rose e/s (above Gilded Ash)
Pink Opal p/g (highlight & inner corner)
Pearlglide Liner in Wolf
Dazzle Lash

Dirvish l/l
B-Babe l/s
Live & Dye l/g


Well-known member
This is my first time doing this so here goes!

Pincurl e/s
Scene e/s
Knight e/s
Alamay liquid eyeliner (a gem I've been using for over 10 years)
Dior Show mascara

MAC Select Sheer Pressed Powder NC20
MAC Bronzer Golden
MSF So Ceylon

High Tea l/s
Strawberry blonde l/g

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