Originally Posted by CatsMeow
Oh and Rockin26, I just checked out your profile and your pic is HOT!!
Although I must ask, what's with the avatar pic?? That's like a depressing fast forward into my future. Pancakes and all. lol.
Ugh. Can't stop eating chocettes today. Nom nom om om. I'm on my way.... heheh
Thanks mate! I forgot I even put that up, that was one of my first goes at a smokey eye. As for my avatar you don't watch Little Britain do you? That's Bubbles darling! I like it cos that's the kind of makeup I want to do one day, it's actually a man in a female fat suit and he runs around naked! It's feral but amazing makeup and prosthetics.
As for your train case I wouldn't recommend them cos the stuffed me around heaps but I got mine from crazysales.com.au for $50 but they're crap to deal with so I would look elsewhere. The next one I get will be from Inglot for sure, it's nice and sturdy and only $150.
Oh and don't feel bad about the choccies, I just ate a Krispy Kreme and am eyeing off another one.......