Originally Posted by sambibabe
How embarrassing..
Just MAC, I have 56 lipsticks.
56! That has to be nearly the entire perm line!
I have about 12 I think...its hard to think about them off the top of your head! and only two mac liners! I'm not a huge liner girl so i only really buy mac ones if im bored and want to spend money or if one REALLY takes my fancy... if not i generally just buy cheaper ones for colours like red because i never end up using them anyways...
although, i do really want one to go under gladiola...any suggestions?
Today was just bumming around the house and then i went into town to B2M my depotted shadows that I did last night... got bare and missy slimshine and shy girl creamsheen
FOTD: Nautical themed my outfit with a anchor bandana in my pocket and a giant squid eating a ship on my top so went with a nautical themed face!
Normal face stuff
Enough said bpb (<3 this as well)
Peaches blush
petticott MSF
Untitled paint
bell bottom blue pigment
copperplate shadow
meet the fleet shadow
crystal avalance shadow
blacktrack fluidline
covergirl lashblast
in the photos though its shygirl because i was playing with it
Please excuse my messy hair and the fact that my shadow is starting to come off