Good lord, where to start?? In my family it seems to be the done thing to marry someone from another country, so I'll just list all the nationalities I know off in my family tree that led to me:
Welsh -Dad, English - Mam, French - Nan,
Dad's mum - Scottish, Mum's mum - French, Mums Dad - south African, Grandmother - Polish, Great granmother - Romany Gypsy.
I also know of people who came back over from Australia and America and re-integrated into the family tree (they married someone way back). My great great uncle ran whisky and guns to the native americans (Sorry!! ), I read tarot and runes thanks to my Romany side, I cook like a fiend and look like a hodgepodge of whatever was left over. My mum got the distintictive Jewish features from the Polish ancestry, but damn is she beautiful.
Theres a lot more in my family, but cant be bothered to write it all.
My boyfriend is Scottish English and German lol.
Nadia xx