What are you?!


Well-known member
I'm 100% Goan aka I'm from Goa, India which was a Portuguese colony for over 450 years so I probably have some Portuguese ancestors too ... or not, I'm not sure. Well, I had to have inherited my "curvaceous" figure from somewhere and most Indian (from other parts of India) girls I know don't have big butts!! lol

I get mistaken for so many other ethnicities tho ... South American, Spanish, West Indian, Black (this one confuses me!!) ... well atleast my future kids will have some of those plus Goan bc my bf is Jamaican with a Panamanian grandmother (dad's side) and a German great-grandfather (mum's side)!!


Well-known member
1/4 Japanese(mom), 1/4 polish(dad), and a little bit of German, Irish, Scottish, English...other than the japanese part, I'm pretty much European

Basically I'm a mutt!


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half portuguese half irish ... everyone thinks im italian though ...


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as far as I know I'm 100% finnish, at least nowhere in the near family there isn't any other nationalities.


Well-known member
1/2 Canadian ... (no idea what original nationality, my dad was adopted.)
1/4 Trinidadian (West Indian, White European)
1/4 Bermudian (White European - British, other)

Anyway, I just say I'm Bermudian.


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Filipino (spanish/indian filo mix) and Australian (french/danish mix)
S/O is half South African (dutch heritage) and half Mauritian - soooo hot! HAHA


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I'm Chinese and Vietnamese but often get mistaken for Filipino, I'm usually surprised when people can accurately guess what I am.


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50% Anzio Italian (dad)
25% Siclian Italian (momma)
25% Belarus (Ukraine) (momma)

I get generally bunched with other fair skinned italians (nc20). <3 My mother and her family is the darkest in the family -


Well-known member
English, Scottish, Welsh, and German. The crazy thing?

I get mistaken for "some sort of Asian" (to quote many people in this area) almost every single day! I've actually been stopped by random people in the mall/at a bar/at a restaurant/any other public place and asked "What kind of Asian are you?" I get funny looks when I tell them I'm fully Caucasian! This happens at least twice a week. I don't get it!


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I'm a Female Human Being

I thought I'd posted to this thread before,
but I did a search & I didn't find me...soo....

I am a mutt-mix of Eastern-European,
Germany/Austria/Hungary/Checkoslavakia/Russia and...?

I am 3/4, 3nd generation American,
(all my great grandparents & my maternal grandfather were born
far from here.)
My maternal grandpa (I miss him so much) was born in Jerusalem,
& came to live in the States when he was 4 years old.

I love threads like these. I love knowing about people's heritages; my grandmother (96 & going strong!) has been doing a geneaology (I never seem to spell that right) project for the past 10+ years,
& she's discovered we have relatives all over the World, including Australia, Israel, & many other places, largely due to the Diaspora.

I am a Jewish girl who is married to a non-Jewish boy,
& I am extremely secular (have been, since I went out on my own @ 19)

Our son's heritage is an absolutely incredible mix.

still, I will always be a cultural Jew.
I have many emotional memories at this Moment, as the Sun has set, &

now it is the beginning of the Jewish New Year.

I wish health & sweetness & all good things to anyone who is observing
(altho you may not be on here now to see this,
if you are observant...unlike me.)

I send Peace & Love to all people who read this, whatever your ethnic/cultural background.

HeartVibes, xxxxCherylFaithxxxx


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nursee81
Too funny i was thinking the same thing. mybe we are related. my great grandfather was chinese too on my grandma's side.

lol that would be so funny. Both my great grandparents have passed away. My grandmother recently 2 yrs ago. Hey we have another thing in common, i'm currently trying to get into the nursing program to become an RN, hope i get it
. Well either way its nice to see another guatemalan on here.


Well-known member
I'm a mutt, my parents and grandparents are all Canadian-born citizens, but my great grandparents are all immigrants except my ojibwe great gram. She and her family have lived in what is now Ontario, Canada before the Europeans ever arrived (this is what she told me when I was little) So I consider myself pure Canadian, haha. I don't really identify with any of my cultures... i feel like I'm part of a more unique cultural mosaic, rather than a melting pot. I identify with my aboriginal culture a little more because the city I live in is so saturated with indigenous culture that you miss out on the culture of this city if you don't embrace it. *shrugs*

maternal gramma = metis
maternal grampa = german
paternal gramma = scottish
paternal grampa = english

they are all the stereotypical embodiments of these cultures too, and somehow i turned out incredibly super pale, with blue eyes and dark brown hair. an even mix of features i guess, hehe.

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