What are your bad habits?


Well-known member
Ok, I was going to write another thread on this but decided to look it up instead, cause one of my bad habits is:

1. I'm lazy (sometimes)
2. I procrastinate (to the point I'm almost late everyday for work)
3. I (used to) bite my nails
4. I don't hang up clothes til they pile up
5. I take forever to get ready in the morning

That's it for now...


Well-known member
i never have breakfast.
i always pick on zits and pimples (mine only lol)
i curse a lot.
i'm very VERY nosy/curious
i'm messy
i'm too lazy to put my dirty laundry in a basket, i let it pile and pile in my dressing room/walk-in closet until it almost reaches the light switch, then i'll take it to the basket LOL
and i'm also an ace procrastinator.


Well-known member
I swear a lot, I bite my nails too much and I get the giggles a lot so I can't shut up sometimes. :p


Well-known member
ive become a procrastinator since i graduated high school. & when i get nervous/ bored i swipe my finges through my hair about a million times..

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
- procastinating - im at college, should be doing some work but i dont want to lol so im on here!
- Sarcasm

i have more but icba to list them haha


Well-known member
I'm very very vain.
I cuss a lot.
I have the biggest ego ever. seriously. My ego is larger than life.
I buy everything I like and then blame my parents for not giving me enough money.
I stay at home if I dont want to go to school. I dont care about it.
I am always to late because I cant decide what to wear.
I always have to correct people if they spell something wrong in german
I tend to show people the finger if they annoy me.
I cant go to bed before 2 a.m.
I tell people thay look bad (or sometimes I even say you look like s***) when I dont like their looks


Well-known member
  1. I procrastinate on things that I don't want to deal with like cleaning my closet
  2. I am obsessed with shopping


Well-known member
Originally Posted by beautifulxdisaster
I bite my nails too much, and I procrastinate everything in school. Plus I can be greedy with food * I'm hungry so get your own!!* However I'm been sharing lately.

Here, here on the food thing! I don't like to share my food. My thought is if you wanted it, how come you didn't order it? I don't think it's a bad habit...just an annoyance to me.


Well-known member
What a good thread! Here are some of mine:

Bad Temper - sometimes I can blow up over small things. I am a very bad arguer as well and don't like confrontation so I tend to storm off with my fingers in my ears...

Messy - but only at home. Strangely, at work I am a neat fanatic.
Pessemistic - whats the point

Mellow-Dramatic - I can make mountains out of molehills in a very dramatic fashion.
Procrastinator - I'll write an explanation for this one later...
Sweet Tooth - I enjoy some treats too much
Spendthrift - I can't hold on to money. Saving is nearly impossible and I shop for comfort.
Low Self-Esteem - I am my own worse enemy and critic. I think this is the worst habit.

That covers most of them


Well-known member
* Smoking. I smoke Kools XLs. Eeek.
* I cuss horribly.
* I pick my zits
* I'm kinda ocd about stuff
* Im a picky eater (organic, this or organic that)
* I'm sometimes too extreme about my rights
* I talk back to police too much
* I don't go to school (thank god when i do I makes straight As)


Well-known member
Obsessive shopping and spending too much money
Staying online til 5 in the morning, even when I have class at 9 in the am (and have to be up at 7)