What are your Fave Work Safe Combos?


Well-known member
Re: Fave Work Safe Combos!?

Originally Posted by vividdreamer
Soo...colors like Waternymph and Parrot are safe, then?

Oh! You got me there. Damn.
Okay, maybe I was thinking along the lines of nuts, berries and trees & the like.

A "General Rule" applies I suppose.


Well-known member
Re: Fave Work Safe Combos!?

Originally Posted by vividdreamer
Soo...colors like Waternymph and Parrot are safe, then?

They can be depending on twhat you put them with and how intensely you apply them. When Parrot was re-released I sold several of them to women who had conservative jobs.

Some of my favorite easy combos:

Retrospeck, Patina + Sumpteous Olive
Shroom, Naked Launch + Satin Taupe
Bamboo, All That Glitters + Handwritten
Ricepaper, Expensive Pink + Swiss Chocolate

for lips:

Stripdown or Sweet Brown w/ Honeyflower l/s and Love Nectar l/g
BBQ w/ Enchantress l/g
Hodgepodge w/ Hug Me l/s
Spice w/ Viva Glam V
Plum w/ Viva Glam VI


Active member
Re: Fave Work Safe Combos!?

Originally Posted by tiramisu
Oh! You got me there. Damn.
Okay, maybe I was thinking along the lines of nuts, berries and trees & the like.

A "General Rule" applies I suppose.

Heh. No, I think your rule is actually a really good one! I was just kidding.

And ITA that bright colors can be completely work appropriate depending on how you wear them. A little splash of color can make an otherwise "boring" look really sizzle and not be OTT at all. A vivid teal and purple eye probably wouldn't fly at a lot of jobs, but a touch of teal or purple at the outer corner (or wherever) would probably be fine. Right?

Of course, I'm a SAHM now, so I get to wear whatever, whenever. And I totally take advantage of that. (I'm rocking some BRIGHT teal and purple shadow right now, as a matter of fact!) People at the grocery store sometimes look at me a little weird, especially when I go out like this in the middle of the day, but I don't care. I'm enjoying it while I can, because eventually I'll have to go back to work and to a bit more "conservative" looks.


Well-known member
Re: Fave Work Safe Combos!?

A look I used today when I was volunteering with older people and got commented on was Ricepaper on the lid, solar white to highlight (only very lightly) and Dig it! eyeliner on the top lashline only. So easy!!!