What are your signs that a Guy is no good?


Well-known member
We have all dated those guys that treated us terribly and then look back and think how dumb was i? Or we have friends that are in those never ending terrible relationships with complete Jerks so what tells you a guy is no good ?

1.) Controlling ( if you have to run everything by him or get "permission")
2.) Jealous ( Of both Girls and guys)
3.) Believes in stereotypical Gender roles ( I dated a guy that wouldn't let me drive even if we were in my car, and made me give him money to pay with b/c he wouldn't let me pay even if it was my money )


Well-known member
Bad in bed
Rude to family (mine and/or his)
Interrupter!!!! (God, that is my biggest pet peeve)
Tells inappropriate jokes at family/job functions and thinks it is hilarious

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
-never pays for anything
-acts differently toward you in front of his friends
-says overtly rude/offensive things
-rude towards family [his and/or yours]
-is too flirtatious with other women
-doesn't have a job OR go to school


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
-never pays for anything
-acts differently toward you in front of his friends
-says overtly rude/offensive things
-rude towards family [his and/or yours]
-is too flirtatious with other women
-doesn't have a job OR go to school

Totally hit the nail on the head with those!


Well-known member
HAHA... The guy I'm thinking of did alll of the above and i was with the JERK for 2 years lol .... how dumb we can be sometimes...


Well-known member
- a dude without any ambition.
i hate it when you ask someone what he wants to do with his life and the conversation just kind of grinds to a halt.
- a dude without any common sense.
i can't stand dimwits. if a guy's gonna step to me, he better have some brains.
- a dude without any manners.
a boy that opens the door and says "please" and "thank you" wins one hundred points right away.
- a dude without any integrity.
not a fan of liars. not a fan at all.
- a dude without any sense of humour.
i laugh at everything, so he probably should to or i'm going to think he's depressed.
- a dude without any confidence.
i hate when a guy gets jealous, that's a massive turnoff.


Well-known member
- no goals or ambitions...for christs sake
- no self respect
- no respect for ANYONE
- bad manners
- doesn't know how to clean [filthy men = dead to me]
- shows ignorance about the world/politics...or ignorance overall
- overly sensitive about little things [but if he does/says something, you cant be mad at him]

and that's just the beginning...oy.

but seriously. its it so much to ask a guy to pick up his goddamned socks? or have an intelligent conversation once in a while?


Well-known member
Maybe my standards were too high, but:

No education.
No plans for the future.
Terrible with money.
Doesn't care about, read or keep up with world news.
Doesn't read books regularly.

Oh, and doesn't reciprocate oral sex in bed. That one is a deal breaker.


Well-known member
"No good" was relative for me. For fun, "no good" was a blast. For keeps, "no good" wasn't even considered.

Bad boys have their place


Well-known member
- No manner
- No education
- Not know what he wants to do/no plans
- Very lazy
- Controlling
- Jealousy
- Ignorance
- No sense of humour..
whoaa my list is long.. I'm sure it's longer, I just don't know how to put it in words..


Well-known member
Right off the bat, when you first start dating whether or not he does what he says he is going to do. (ie. I will call you tomorrow, I will see you this weekend, I will be at your house at this time). If he can't even do this when your relationship is new, chances are he is going to get a whole lot worse as time passes.


Well-known member
I agree with everything everyone said, but as women I think we tend to ignore the most important thing, our intuition. Sometimes a guy is just so cute, or sexy, whatever, and we ignore that little worm gnawing in the pit of our belly. We know they're no good, we just try and tell our inner voice to hush. So, ladies, if he doesn't feel right, he's probably not!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
I agree with everything everyone said, but as women I think we tend to ignore the most important thing, our intuition. Sometimes a guy is just so cute, or sexy, whatever, and we ignore that little worm gnawing in the pit of our belly. We know they're no good, we just try and tell our inner voice to hush. So, ladies, if he doesn't feel right, he's probably not!

I have to back that a million and fifty-leven per cent! I just got out of a relationship that during the whole time I went against my intuition on. 10 years of ignoring that voice, but the minute I said "Enough, I'm going with you little voice!" it was like this insane weight was just *poof* gone, and all the good things came back.

always go with your gut!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
*in no particular order
· Is on a sexual predator list
· Insensitive towards others
· Mistreats children or animals
· Does not pay his child support
· Bad mouths his current mate/exes
· Is cheating on his current mate with you
· Commits crimes
· Physically, mentally or sexually abusive to anyone or anything


Well-known member
So far, it has turned out to be a bad sign that he is interested in me...I sooooo wish that I was joking about this!

Groucho Marx once said, "I would never want to be a member of any club that would have me as a member!"

HOWEVER, I prefer to categorize the behavior of the men I have dated as their attempt to make it easier for the next guy I am with to treat me better, because it would be difficult to much worse.


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1. Lazy
2. No job
3. No ambition
4. No plans for the future
5. Sucks in bed
6. Talks down to you.


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Bashes women or stereotypes women
i.e "all girls go slutty after the break up with someone"

Has a million "friends" that are girls he talks to
Gimme a break.

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