What are your signs that a Guy is no good?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Dahlia_Rayn
I agree with everything everyone said, but as women I think we tend to ignore the most important thing, our intuition. Sometimes a guy is just so cute, or sexy, whatever, and we ignore that little worm gnawing in the pit of our belly. We know they're no good, we just try and tell our inner voice to hush. So, ladies, if he doesn't feel right, he's probably not!

This is so true!!!

I pretty much agree with the ones everyone else has said, but one thing I find to be a bad sign is when a guy is insecure. In my and my friends' experience, I find that guys like this tend to be very possessive, controlling, and jealous. But worst of all in order to make themselves feel better they'll hang shit on the girl (i.e. you're too fat/too skinny, etc etc) to make the girl feel like she's not good enough.


Well-known member
Rude to your friends and family

Jealous and possesive.. Its okay to be a little jealous sometimes, but enough is enough.

He doesnt care about your feelings

The way he treats others

Anger issues

Lazy bum with no job and no future

Basically theres a lot... but if you think a guy is no good, your instincts are usually right, never settle for less!


Well-known member
Mine are:
-No goals for themselves whatsoever
-Constantly freeloads off of me or others
-Expects a kiss on the first date (sorry I don't think so)
-Disrespects me
-Talks shit about my family (that's a definite shoe-in)
-Doesn't take care of their personal apperance (no, I'm not that superficial, but at least TRY to make yourself look decent)
-Calls my HOUSE only after I changed my cell phone number and gets shitty with MY MOTHER (LOL can you tell these were all based one on piece of shit?!)


Well-known member
Rude to family members
thinks only about himself
Bad in bed
Does not care to see their children puts other women first


Well-known member
Oh, I have plenty lol

-Sexist and racist (met many that were this way..YUCK)
-Mean to animals
-Bad manners
-Rude to family and friends
-Cheats and lies
-Jealous (but its always ok if a girl checks him out...hmmm)
-Doesn't like who I am and tries to change me
-Can't take a joke himself, but doesn't mind joking about all your imperfections
-Constantly talks about his ex that he 'doesn't care about anymore'
-No ambition

Ok...I'm done now...I think


Well-known member
Originally Posted by *Stargazer*
"No good" was relative for me. For fun, "no good" was a blast. For keeps, "no good" wasn't even considered.

Bad boys have their place

hell yes


Well-known member
*spending 2-3 hours in the gym everyday and if they miss a day they think the world is gonna end..... it's not the gym i don't like but it's just a sign they're way too into themselves. some may disagree but this is just what i've seen from personal experience.

*not following through with what they say...... makes it hard to believe them and usually you can't trust what they say anyway

*angry/pissed off if you don't answer the phone. i dated a guy about two years ago who called 15 times in 20 minutes, sent about 10-15 texts, and a few voicemails cussing me out because i didn't answer the phone. when i finally called him he didn't even remember what he originally called me for. crazy @$$!!!!

*always accusing you of cheating/lying..... that usually means they're doing it. they're just paranoid that you're being just as sh*tty as they are


Well-known member
flirts with other women in front of you
lies openly about little things
drinks too much
recovering drug user (sorry to say this but I am a recovering addict but will never date another one to ensure my sobriety)
no sense of humour
can't have an intelligent conversation
doesn't clean or is messy (i am a bloody neat freak and hate people that are messy)
somebody who doesn't take an interest in what i am saying (really fucken annoys me)
somebody whoe doesn't express their feelings
anger problems
rude or nasty at times
doesn't respect mine or their family
no manners


Active member
Originally Posted by angelique☆
This is so true!!!

I pretty much agree with the ones everyone else has said, but one thing I find to be a bad sign is when a guy is insecure. In my and my friends' experience, I find that guys like this tend to be very possessive, controlling, and jealous. But worst of all in order to make themselves feel better they'll hang shit on the girl (i.e. you're too fat/too skinny, etc etc) to make the girl feel like she's not good enough.

That is very true. i was in that kind of relationship for almost 4 years, and im only 17. he was very possessive and controlling, until i finally realized that it shouldnt be like that. At first i thought that he really cared about me, thats why he was jealous. but it got out of hand when i couldnt even talk to any guy, or to girl friends that he didnt like. i finally left him like almost a month ago, but i feel so much stress-relieved.