What brushes do you Recommend?


Well-known member
Re: All About Brushes!

I'm still a beginner in the brush department, but my first quality brushes came from the MAC Novel Twist basic brush set collection. For $48 you get 5 really good brushes....the 224 (a blending brush) alone is $28 so this is a really good deal if you're looking for something basic to start off with.

Whoa--I just checked Mac online, and those Mac Novel Twist Basic Brush collection (with the 5 brushes) is $132.50!!! Did you get your for $48 around the holidays???


Well-known member
Re: All About Brushes!

Originally Posted by ndn-ista
Whoa--I just checked Mac online, and those Mac Novel Twist Basic Brush collection (with the 5 brushes) is $132.50!!! Did you get your for $48 around the holidays???

I think you're looking at the one in the bridal section of mac online.

Novel Twist was released exclusively to Nordstrom's; maccosmetics.com didn't have the brush set or the collection on their website, iirc.


Well-known member
Re: All About Brushes!

Oh ok, cool...

I was at Sephora yesterday and I just asked to see a collection of the brushes, and the rep said that "Believe it or not, Sephora are the same, if not, better then the MAC ones" He said that the have the same manufacturer...and that he wasn't just saying it to sell them to me, cause he wasn't on commission. What do you guys think??


Well-known member
Basic MAC Brushes

I'm thinking about starting my MAC brush collection, but as they are a tad expensive, I have to do it little by litte. So, my question is, which MAC brushes you would recommend to start with?

Thanks and be good!


Well-known member
Re: Basic MAC Brushes

For the face the 187

For eyes my essentials are the 209 (precise lining), 219 (lining + crease), 222 (blending) and the 266 (if you like fluidlines)


Well-known member
Re: Basic MAC Brushes

If you can get the basic holliday brushes that would be great!!

For eyes: i would reccomend 239 (applying es), Linning 266, blending 217.
Face: 116 for applying blushes and 187 or 190 if you use liquid foundation.


Well-known member
Re: Basic MAC Brushes

Originally Posted by nunu
If you can get the basic holliday brushes that would be great!!

For eyes: i would reccomend 239 (applying es), Linning 266, blending 217.
Face: 116 for applying blushes and 187 or 190 if you use liquid foundation.

I'll be hauling MAC's counter here in Lisbon tomorrow and that's on my wish list!


Well-known member
First time buyer- Which Mac brushes are a must have or essential?

Ok I've tried all types of brushes and I don't know if my skin is just extra sensitive but all the brushes I've tried with the exception of the Essence of Beauty brushes have felt harsh on my face. Prickly like.

With that being said and with so many people telling me to try them, I'm ready to branch out into trying the Mac brushes but don't know which ones are essentials or a must have.

If this were your first Mac brush purchase, which ones would you buy that are a must have or an essential to your overall makeup routine?



Well-known member
Re: First time buyer- Which Mac brushes are a must have or essential?

omg there are soo many LOL i would reccomend

face:190 or 187 brush (foundation), 116 (blusher), 168 (contouring and applying blusher)
eyes: 239 (applying eyeshadow), 217 (applying es ro crease and blending), 219 (applying es to lower lid), 266 it's an angled brush (liner).



Well-known member
Re: First time buyer- Which Mac brushes are a must have or essential?

Since it is near the holidays and some stores still have the brush sets I would get the eyes and face set , that way you can get 10 brushes at a realy good price
When I first started with MAC I got a basic brush set for Chistmas and added more to my collection


Well-known member
Re: First time buyer- Which Mac brushes are a must have or essential?

187 and 182 are essentials for face!
i love all their brushes to be honest


Well-known member
Re: First time buyer- Which Mac brushes are a must have or essential?

Originally Posted by choozen1ne
Since it is near the holidays and some stores still have the brush sets I would get the eyes and face set , that way you can get 10 brushes at a realy good price
When I first started with MAC I got a basic brush set for Chistmas and added more to my collection

I wonder if they'll still have some after Christmas, like that Wed. or Thurs. There is no way I'm going to the mall right now. I was at my hair salon earlier and the mall was PACKED. Even the very far away parking spots were full. People were parking all along and on the grass and sidewalks. But I will check after Christmas. Thanks for the suggestion.


Well-known member
Re: First time buyer- Which Mac brushes are a must have or essential?

Originally Posted by mrsgray
I wonder if they'll still have some after Christmas, like that Wed. or Thurs. There is no way I'm going to the mall right now. I was at my hair salon earlier and the mall was PACKED. Even the very far away parking spots were full. People were parking all along and on the grass and sidewalks. But I will check after Christmas. Thanks for the suggestion.

try getting it online from the website


Well-known member
Must have Mac eye brushes to get ?

Want to buy some MAC eye brushes ..I only own the 266 and 209 liner brushes and it's about time I get some actual brushes for shado application hehe ..so which are the must have ones ... Im not sure which to pick ..I think i will buy only 2-3 for now.

so which ones should i get ?

thanks for any suggestions


Well-known member
Re: Must have Mac eye brushes to get ?

In general terms, I think you should get one medium all purpose brush, a crease brush, and a blending brush. For all purpose, I like the 239, the crease goes to the 222, and the 225 for blending. HTHS!

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