What causes cheek breakouts?


Well-known member
Wow, I forgot about this thread! All of the new tips are very helpful.

I figured out that the digestive theory was at least part of the issue. I started taking acidophilis (sp?) tablets 2-3x/ day, and it has helped tremendously, along with lots of water of course (which I was doing anyway), cutting back on sugars and dairy (lazy vegetarian here).

It can be quite frustrating when you think you are taking the necessary precautions and you still have issues...Hopefully others reading this will also find solutions.

Thanks again!
thank you for this thread! now i had an idea on what might be causing my acne on the cheeks too!

i need to:
- wash and change my own pillow case (what's a good cleanser for this?)
- deep clean my makeup brushes instead of just using brush cleaner (i think this might be one of the cause of my breakout)
- sanitize my phone

- wash and sanitize our hands frequently (esp. before touching the face)
- use tissues instead of handkerchief so that it's always clean and fresh
- check your brush cleanser... i think mine breaks me out hehe


Well-known member
As pumpkincat said, red dye is the cause of breakouts a lot if they are only on the cheeks. The red dye in blushes is comedogenic. Normally only inferior makeup brands use dyes in their makeup.

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