What color MSFN should I get?


Well-known member
I'm really sorry if I didn't post this in the right place. I'm really new around here >_<

Anyways, I was curious what shade of MSFN you all think I should buy? Unfortunately I have no MAC store where I live, and there is no possibility of driving to one (I live on an island). My MAC foundation match is a mix of Studio Fix Powder in NC43, and Studio Fix Fluid in NW40.

My PERFECT skintone match however, is NARS Tahoe. I hope someone can help me. Thanks in advance!!


Well-known member
I think that either medium dark or medium deep would work. Do you have a picture that you could post?

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Well-known member
i'm a nc35-40ish and i'm using medium. my friend who's about the same color is using medium plus, only her skin has pink and yellow tones, while i'm just plain yellow.

personally, i would go with something a little light because if youre wearing a foundation underneath, it may or may not oxidize, possibly turning you darker than you really are. hope this helps!


Well-known member
i agree with coach. i'm currently an nc20 and use light medium. when i tan to an nc30, i use medium plus. if you came to my counter, i'd start by matching you with medium deep and go from there.


Well-known member
Yea thats what I was thinking too, according to the "swatches on the website". According to the descriptions though, I'm scared it won't be right and that I should get Medium Deep. Any other opinions please?