What colours flatter you the most?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ada
I wonder if we can figure out what eye color people have by their answers to this question-- for example, bocagirl I'm guessing you have brown or hazel eyes (because I have brown eyes and we picked the same colors)... and karen, I'm guessing blue?


They're blue-green. I actually prefer to wear those colours also because they make the green in my eyes stand out much more than the blue.


Well-known member
On eyes the shades that flatter me the most are bronzes and chocolate browns and lime greens!

On cheeks peaches and oranges and on lips peaches,corals and oranges!


Well-known member
i can wear pretty much any colour, i guess im lucky with having a fair complextion, brown eyes and dark brown hair. my favourites are teals, greens, blues and copper colours:)


Well-known member

This is what I think looks best on me but I'm still trying to find some other colors!
I have hazel eyes, darker skin, and dark brown hair.


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I am always complemented when I wear a silver-grey pallet. But I love the way pinks look on me and also dark purple lids with lavender hightlights.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pr1nces583
i can wear pretty much any colour, i guess im lucky with having a fair complextion, brown eyes and dark brown hair. my favourites are teals, greens, blues and copper colours:)

Me too... I can't think of a color that I can't wear! I love teals, blues, and pinks though...


Well-known member
For my eyes browns like incredibly hot and I love the way greens look on me too.

For my skin and lips it has to be pinks, light, baby, english rosey pinks, they just set of my pale complexion perfectly!


Active member
On the eyes: silver, pinks, plums, browns and peaches, sometimes teal.

the rest of the face: corals and peaches. or peachy pinks. I absolutely cannot wear true pinks.


Well-known member
Pink, coral, purple, browns, bronze, peache, and mostly natural colors with understones such as pink, peach, purple....

nothing blue or green or black

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