What common makeup product do you NOT own?


Well-known member
i dont have any brow filler stuff, if i want to do my brows, i will just find some brown shadow to work with. i dont have any clear gloss nor brown liner either.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cleodelinda
Actually I don't own a wand mascara, only a cake one and I doesn't even use it. Thats odd, I know

what is cake mascara?


Well-known member
Lipstick... i only have VGV hahaha
Bronzer...... im yet to discover the magic of bronzer everyone else seems to adore


Well-known member
Originally Posted by starangel2383
what is cake mascara?

It's a button of dry color that's used with a wet brush to apply.

Clickable pic--It's on the right.


Well-known member
I don't own liquid foundation -- I use studio fix. Nor red lipstick since I'm scared of it.....hmmmm... maybe it's something worth trying now.

Magic Markers

Well-known member
I don't own any pigments, lipliners, or products for brows (I just use eyeliner or eyeshadow if I fill them). I also don't own a lipstick that's not in the pink family (no reds) execpt for one that's clear.

Magic Markers

Well-known member
I also don't own any vaseline... I have an eyelash curler that my sister gave me, but I never use it. I don't own bronzer or falsies either.

lhorgan: I don't brush my hair either! I own a hairbrush, but I might use it once every two months? I have rather short, really layered hair that's straight, so I don't really ever need to use it, and I like the bedhead (simulated with product of course) look anyways.


Well-known member
Lipliners, Pigments, or lipsticks!
I just recently got 2 lipsticks from Back to MAC and now I'm in love. I'm thinking of trying lipliners soon.
I also only own two annabelle pigments, but I never use them.


Well-known member
I don't really have any lipliners. I don't use them. I have like 1 really old one that doesn't match anything, haha!


Well-known member
I too don't own clear Lipgloss. Unless you count the part on my Lasting Lust Pro Longwear. I've never owned any brow products. I have super bushy thick brows so I never needed anything to fill them in.


Well-known member
Funny, 2 years ago (before becoming enlightened by Spectra
) I wouldn't have had many things, like gel liners, falsies, red lippie, concealer, pigments, powder...

Now, the only thing I don't have is clear gloss! - and I don't know if that's good or bad...:conscience:


Well-known member
For my personal use, I have exactly 0 of:
- brown eyeliner
- brown eyeshadows
- MAC pigments (too much work!)