What did u get w/ ur first back2mac?


Well-known member
I found when I first went to the Mac counter knowing I could get a freebie I didn't know what I wanted! There's so much choice! I ended up getting a back up lipstick. I just wondered what every1 else ended up getting on the exciting day of your first back2mac?
If you're a die hard mac fan what are some suggestions?


Well-known member
I actually got five my first back2mac, I was too chicken to depot for the longest time. I got Up The Amp, Redwood, House Wine, Midimauve, and Lovedust.


Well-known member
I think I got about 7 my first time. I didn't know about depotting then did all of my e/s in one go. I got 7 slimshines. I can't remember exactly which ones.


Well-known member
my first B2M i got Honey Moon l/s and i love it! my second B2M i got Gel. and i almost have enough to B2M again and i have my eye on full fuschia! it'll be great for halloween!

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
i got Sandy B l/s (not recommended though)

other B2Ms i got were Lady Bug l/s (gorgeous red), Politely Pink l/w (pinky colour, its ok) and Hue l/s (nude shade, my fave l/s)


Well-known member
I'd been wanting deep truth and they were out of it in palette so it became mine via my first back 2 mac. I'm 2 empties away from my second.
Back 2 Mac actually tempts me to put my pigments in some other plain jars and b2m the piggie jars... but I LIKE the mac pigment jars so... ah well. I plan on mostly using my b2m for eyeshadow. Num num num.


Well-known member
First: Plastique l/s
Second and Third: Meltdown, Snob, Up The Amp, Lady Bug, Film Noir, Chatterbox, Pink Nouveau...there are two more, and I've forgotten what they are -- haha.

I usually use my B2M options (since there is only ONE COUNTER in my whole state...so we only get l/s) to get colors that I wouldn't necessarily buy -- so the brighter and more out there colors...so that way if I don't like them, I don't feel so bad about shelling out $14


Well-known member
Despite the fact that I could open my own counter with the amount of product I've bought, I don't have a single item ready to B2M. Maybe if I stuck to a few shades of shadow and lipstick, I'd have a better chance, yeah?
I can't wait for my first B2M!


Well-known member
my first and only back to mac was from the mac counter at the bay so they only give out lipsticks. so i got loveloren (or however its spelt) for my formal.
i ended up loosing it at the airport security (forgot to put the ziplock bag into my bag)
but now i know i can take them to freestanding/pro stores and get other things, i'm going to wait until i'm home to take them in. (pro stores also take pro pans)


Well-known member
Wow!!! That's such a long time ago. I know I got a lipstick because that's all you could get back in the day LOL. I think it was "O."


Well-known member
2 of the Barbie e/s!
I didn't know about depotting until I found Specktra, so I b2m a bunch of e/s pots.