What do I do?


Well-known member
I'm going up to Marshall Fields today to buy myself my first Coach purse and I thought I'd take another huge step and actually ask for an application at MAC. I am soooooo nervous. I have my makeup done very nicely, I'm going to wear a black shirt. The girls there intimidate me. I am noivvvvvous. Should I ask for the app right away? or look around first? fill it out there? or take it home? HELP!@

nervous in wisconsin


Well-known member
ask if a manager is in...ask the manager if they are looking for anyone currently and for which positions, get an application, fill it out, hand it in with resume...do your hair how you would normally do it if you were going out and wanted to look hot!...and don't fret, it's nervous, but act natural, like you were born for that job...confidence is everything!


Well-known member
Hun, don't let MAC girls intimidate you. They're probably really nice if you try to talk to them (I've noticed some that people tend to think are bitchy really just need a minute to warm up to you). Plus, you're going to (hopefully) be working with these girls, so it's not good if they intimidate you. Also, lets take a step back and remember that while it's super cool to work at MAC, and shows you have some serious skills, its still just retail. No reason to be scared.


Well-known member
I talked to the manager and he was super nice to me and talked to me a bit afterwards and gave me the ap and told me to bring it back in with my resume and to make sure I talk to him when I do.... sooooooo....... yay... i'll have to work on it. I'm also going to put together some pictures of different looks I've done on myself and on my friends, just so they have an idea in case they aren't currently hiring but will be down the road. Good idea bad idea?


Well-known member
Good idea... the girl at my MAC said to me that I should apply, and putting together a portfolio would be a great way to get their attention


Well-known member
I agree...having a portfolio shows not only your talent but also that you care enough for a position as a make-up artist to actually take the time to do the make-up, take pics, develop them, put them together...ect...this equals that you are serious and not just someone who has a bag full of resumes dropping them off randomly.


Well-known member
Is it okay if they are mostly pictures of me? haha! Because I don't really have any other test subjects


Well-known member
Do you have friends who would let you do their make-up? How about your mother, her friends, or relatives. I think it would give your profile more depth if you showed your skills at applying make-up on people of different ages and skin coloration, as well as different feature shapes, like asian eyes etc. It will give them a better idea about you skills in general. It is a lot easier to do make-up on yourself than other people usually. Also, by doing people's makeup for your portfolio you will gain experience for your makeup demo interview, and on the job!

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