what do you guys think of an 11 year old girl wanting to be...


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That woman is feeding her poor daughter poison. As someone who knows what its like to live by how you look, that is not the sort of thing you should teach or promote in your child...


Well-known member
Despite having beautiful hair, skin, etc, her teeth, from the photos, don't look that great.
Her mother is promoting a very unhealthy outlook in life. I wonder what will happen when her mother approaches the aging stage.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by frocher
The answer to all your questions is no. Whenever I see cases like this it disturbs me, the parents seems to feel the need to live vicariously through their child. They should be allowed to have a childhood, not treated like a doll. The fact that her mother sexualized such a small child is disturbing as well.

NO, NO and NO.....
It is pretty sad, i think mum needs to spend a bit of this money on therapy!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I'm a big fan of encouraging healthy habits for health reasons, not because you should have certain measurements.

I'm also a huge fan of letting kids be kids.

I agree. Her childhood is basically gone. She has her whole adult life to decide which path she wants to follow. Has this girl even hit puberty yet?
I can't believe some parents! When I read stuff like this, I ask myself if they're for real. Why oh why would one want to encourage their child to to seek a career in the porn industry? There is absolutely no excuse, except for being a horrible parent. One should laugh it off and say "Hell no!" when getting approached with such ideas from their daughters!


Well-known member
Haha, I saw this on programme on ITV.
I think it's wrong for a little girl to try and appear more attractive, because an 11 year old isn't sexual.
From the story it appeared that her mother was trying to live her life through her daughter and was pushing her to pursue a career that she wanted, that's fine if it's ballet or something but not showing off your tits...What a bitchy, dull insecure little brat she is brewing.
Wrong on so many levels.


Well-known member
I can't disagree with somethings. Like hair dyeing (since I had my hair highlighted blonde when I was 12), or make up (which I also started wearing at that age, although very minimalist <i.e. foundation, pink shadow, gloss, etc..>). I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Heh, and I was living in Manama (and going to school in the UK) at the time so it isn't an American thing.

But what I think is bad is that she doesnt' seem to do it because she wants to stand out, or just look pretty on her own. She's doing it to be like a "glamour model". Um... on an 11 year old, it's kinda wrong.

-would you encourage your young child to be like this?
-would you encourage your child to lose weight and workout everyday
Only if she was unhappy and complaining about it. I'd find a safe way to do so.
-would you encourage your young 4 year old daughter to wear makeup?
Nah... maybe when she starts asking me to wear it I'd let her try it.
-would you let your young daughter get into playboy?


Well-known member
ayne says: “I don’t mind Sasha having spray tans — she’s a bit too young for sunbeds at the moment. She had her first set of acrylic nails at nine and she’s been wearing make-up since she was four. It washes off, it’s not like it’s scarring her for life.”

Sasha says: “I just want to be pretty because then people will like me.”

But worryingly Sasha is already demonstrating signs of an unhealthy body image. She says, “I think I’m fat, everyone else says I’m not, that I’m as skinny as a twig. I worry about what I eat. I don’t want to put on weight and then not be able to lose it.”

That mom is nuts.


Well-known member
I firmly believe this is child abuse. It's not allowing a child to be herself on any level. Everything this mother is doing is to "create" a whole new being that doesn't exist on the Earth. The mother is obviously wanting to make money (prostitute) her own daughter. It's sick.


Wow, I can't believe shes just turned 11 and having spray tans and stuff I didn't have one till I was 16.. and she lives pretty near me too ha Burnley is just up the motorway from me.

Do any UK people recognise the woman off wifeswap? I remember there was a woman and daughter who used to dress the same and stuff in mini skirts and furry boots. I might be wrong though...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by flowerhead
... From the story it appeared that her mother was trying to live her life through her daughter and was pushing her to pursue a career that she wanted, that's fine if it's ballet or something but not showing off your tits...

I disagree with you in part, here. Yes, what this woman is doing is wrong. Most of us see that right off the bat. But I think it's also wrong to push a child into ANYTHING, especially if it's because that's what Mom or Dad wants.

We all have a right to be an individual, and pushing any child into a career path at 11 is just WRONG.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have your children in sports, or enforce that they practice the violin: those things teach valuable lessons to children about team work, dedication, and responsibility.

However, just because Mom wanted to be a world famous ice skater and wasn't (for whatever reason) does not mean that little Susy wants to be one, or is even capable of being one.

And if Mom wanted to be a Playboy model, that shouldn't factor into the little girl's life AT ALL until she's over 18. Frankly, posing of this nature before 18 verges on child porn. If it didn't have the Playboy name, EVERYONE would be outraged.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I agree that forcing your kid to do anything other than basics (cleaning themselves, eating right, taking care of themselves) is terrible. I've seen it with academics (you shouldn't allow your child to fail, but some kids aren't talented in the same subjects that their parents are), athletics, arts...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
I disagree with you in part, here. Yes, what this woman is doing is wrong. Most of us see that right off the bat. But I think it's also wrong to push a child into ANYTHING, especially if it's because that's what Mom or Dad wants.

We all have a right to be an individual, and pushing any child into a career path at 11 is just WRONG.

I'm not saying you shouldn't have your children in sports, or enforce that they practice the violin: those things teach valuable lessons to children about team work, dedication, and responsibility.

However, just because Mom wanted to be a world famous ice skater and wasn't (for whatever reason) does not mean that little Susy wants to be one, or is even capable of being one.

And if Mom wanted to be a Playboy model, that shouldn't factor into the little girl's life AT ALL until she's over 18. Frankly, posing of this nature before 18 verges on child porn. If it didn't have the Playboy name, EVERYONE would be outraged.

I'm not going to judge anyone who helps there child pursue a career that the child may or may not enjoy, it's none of my business...and I don't really care. But the porn industry is a different thing.


Well-known member
God forgive me, but that main pic of her is not flattering at all. She doesn't even look cute there.


Well-known member
I can so see the mother allowing her daughter to get breast implants at 16. That's sad. Kids should just be kids. When I was 11, I was still playing with Barbie. I'm shocked that she got her first acrylic nails at 9, and I just got mine this year!!


I saw the TV show of that. I think she got bullied or something? Like they nicked her trainers at school.
I'm not for the idea of children growing up so quickly, wasting their childhood imo.
I would never encourage anything like that in my child, especially at such a young age.


Well-known member
She's going to get soooooooo used by guys. Sorry if it's stereotypical and judgemental, but I just imagine her having STDs by the time shes 14.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sarahx

Do any UK people recognise the woman off wifeswap? ...

yes they were on wife swap! lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
a glamour model? This girl was on a TV show i watched [and in a magazine i read] she gets her nails done monthy, spray tanned weekly, hair extentions, hair bleached blonde, makeup done [shes been wearing makeup since 4] and wearing playboy clothing with a playboy bedroom. And its all from her mother!

The only thing I think is wrong with this, is the Play Boy. Other than that, I don't see a problem with the other stuff. The cut of the clothes wasn't even a big deal. It's more the implication that the PlayBoy logo has.

I see little girls go in all the time with their Moms, to get their nails done. While it's not something I would make my daughter do, if she saw my nails, and wanted hers to look like that, I would support her.

As far as the spray tan, yes she could go play in the sun. But if she gets a spray tan, she can have taned skin, w/out the side effects of premature ageing, wrinkles, skin cancer, sun spots, etc. So yeh, if you have the disposable income to pay for it, why not?

As far as the hair extensions, bleach, etc? Again, like the nails, if it's something she wanted to do on her own, I would suport her. But I wouldn't make her get her hair colored. She would have to ask me first. And at that age, it would probably be drug store color, and an at home application.

Same with the MU. I don't think wearing MU at an early age is necessairly bad. The application is key. If she's wearing MU like a stripper at 11, yes, I'd have a problem with that. But if she wants a little lip gloss (who didn't have cherry chapstick at that age?) or wants to learn from what I'm doing when I'm getting ready, I would support her. I would however have a say in how she wears it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
The only thing I think is wrong with this, is the Play Boy. Other than that, I don't see a problem with the other stuff. The cut of the clothes wasn't even a big deal. It's more the implication that the PlayBoy logo has.

I see little girls go in all the time with their Moms, to get their nails done. While it's not something I would make my daughter do, if she saw my nails, and wanted hers to look like that, I would support her.

As far as the spray tan, yes she could go play in the sun. But if she gets a spray tan, she can have taned skin, w/out the side effects of premature ageing, wrinkles, skin cancer, sun spots, etc. So yeh, if you have the disposable income to pay for it, why not?

As far as the hair extensions, bleach, etc? Again, like the nails, if it's something she wanted to do on her own, I would suport her. But I wouldn't make her get her hair colored. She would have to ask me first. And at that age, it would probably be drug store color, and an at home application.

Same with the MU. I don't think wearing MU at an early age is necessairly bad. The application is key. If she's wearing MU like a stripper at 11, yes, I'd have a problem with that. But if she wants a little lip gloss (who didn't have cherry chapstick at that age?) or wants to learn from what I'm doing when I'm getting ready, I would support her. I would however have a say in how she wears it.

well im glad to hear your opinion but its sort of different to what you think it is, basically her mother is PUSHING her to be like this n shes making her daughter look like a mini slapper. IF i had a daughter i wouldnt dare let her walk out the door wearing short skirts with a pile of makeup on at the age of 11 even if it was her OWN opinion. and i think dying/bleaching hair at that age is quite disguisting... by the time shes about 20 her hairs gunna be literally dead and soo dry coz of the damage shes giving it. Yeh i do agree wearing a lil bit of lipgloss at that age is fine and a nice pastel eyeshadow but not a face full of thick foundation, tonnes of mascara and everything else.. getting her nails done is also quite abit over the top, girls that age should be wearing bright colourful colours like pink and stuff not getting acrylic/gel nails i mean its not making her look any better it just makes her look like totally FAKE... by the time shes 16 she will probably want her lips done or something and her mother wont say no. another thing, SPRAY TANS! omfg i started wearing fake tan at the age of 14 when all the other girls in my year did and wearing makeup at 14 too...oh and i dont bleach my hair or dye it because by the time im in my twenties its probably gunna be ruined so i like to be natural and get a few highlights and im like what? 17! i feel sorry for the lil girl.. and she IS a lil girl, she should be reading lil girls magazines, playing with Bratz [shes JST turned 11 last week so you know shes still young], having lil girly sleepovers NOT dressing like a hooker and trying to lose weight. omg on the tv show i seen her on an exercise bike n she was like "ohh mum look ive lost 20 calories" shes fuckin 11 year old! she shouldnt know what calories are not to mention shes already really skinny.. but if she was over weight her mother could just not feed her junk and make her go out more not go on an exercise bike and count calories. but yeh its your opinion but yeh when i was really young i used to go thru my mothers makeup bag and try on her lipsticks and blusher but i would never go out with it on because its not what young girls are meant to do.


Well-known member
I agree with your entire post, except for the Bratz dolls comment. It's probably those same dolls that started her obsession. Those dolls represent exactly what is wrong with children these days.