what do you put on?


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when you have to run out the door what product do you ALWAYS put on? I'm a lipgloss girl... if I can't get anything else on... i NEED my gloss



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blush, but anyway i always keep some lipgloss in my purse, buuuuuuut anyway i always forget to use it....


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Eyeliner. My eyes look really pale and tired otherwise.
I usually keep some chapstick with me at all times but I cannot, cannot leave the house without liner on.


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Before I go anywhere outside of my apartment I make sure my brows are groomed, put on some powder, and at least some kind of lip conditioner


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If I really need to go I just put on nothing. Maybe chapstick later but that's it. I'm an all or nothing person. One day I'll be super glam and the next I look like a homeless person lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
If I really need to go I just put on nothing. Maybe chapstick later but that's it. I'm an all or nothing person. One day I'll be super glam and the next I look like a homeless person lol.



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There hasnt been a day without foundation forme for 4 years and 3 months.


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If I'm in a hurry I always make sure I have at least powder and mascara! Lipgloss can go on later since I keep some in my car and purse!


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I'm one of those glamourpuss/homeless people. Yesterday I went to the movies with husband, 3d husband, and son, and wore cute little shorts, heels, and a matching top.
Today I'm wearing trackpants, a tshirt, and crocs. Today I'm working on remodeling and repainting my hallway, but I'll still (always) have LIP PRODUCT on. I can live w/o foundation, blush, liner, mascara, etc. but I have have have to have lip product on.