What do you think about Ecstacy?


Well-known member
if alcohol was invented in 2005, it would be illegal/banned.

it makes people fight, black out, disorientated, talk crap, be sick, etc etc....

but everyone thinks thats so fine...???

if people take drugs cos there life is crap.... well a lot of people i know must have crap lifes...

and a lot of celebrities must too


Well-known member
Well what I said before (about being medically safe blah blah blah) ... I read that in a newspaper so don't think I made that crap up LOL...

It's really like anything in life though, yes you can die from it, but if you take/do anything in excess you can die from it... people think its so bad, but what about smoking, thats worse (IMO) than anything else, yet thats not illegal and nobody gives a shit if anybody smokes... The only trouble is when you become addicted/ long term use, then thats another story altogether...

And not all people take drugs because "their life is crap" either (if thats what you were meaning dollbaby, I apologise if I took that outta context). I've only taken speed a few times (within the past 10 months), but its not because I hate my life or anything... I am so loving my life at the moment and things have never been better for me, and I'm actually happy for once so... yeah, I just think it hightens feelings, and exctasy, from what I believe is an even bigger rush and you get "better" feelings... and who doesn't wanna be happy and feel great?

I don't think people should be in such a position to judge, coz everybody has their addictions (for most of you its MAC haha, and that could become just as dangerous, not to mention as expensive LOL), and bad habits/dirty secrets... everybodys are just different thats all... as I said, IMO smoking is the worst addiction yet other think its okay... Judging does nothing but make YOU look bad (IMO again) So yeah whatver... just my 5 cents worth LOL


Well-known member
I've never done it personally, but my boyfriend's best friend is an 'expert' and there's a little known tip about it that can save lives....

Ecstacy, as you probably know, has traces of heroin and cocaine in it. Some kids will split the pill their first time and only take half, thinking it's not as bad and that it's safer. However, the seratonin (happy part) of the pill and the heroin/cocaine are NOT evenly distributed throughout the tablet, so theoretically, you may take a half of the pill that has like all heroin and nothing else to 'water down the effects'. This is how people die their first time doing X, because they just took a pill of heroin.

So the bottom line is that if you're going to 'try' it, you're better off taking a whole pill. Weird, and one of the most interesting things I've ever heard.

There's also something called "Molly" I believe, that is PURE ectacy with the 'hardcore drugs' taken out. It's more expensive, but supposedly 'safer' because its 'only' fucking with your seratonin levels.


Well-known member
ok well I have never taken it it my self so I cant tell it to you off hand personal effects. All I know is that I've tried a few... I've been told drinking is no big thing, well Im a light weight and it doesnt sit well with me.

I've played babysitter well people are tripping on acid and I saw a close friend of mine hide under a table if anybody would come close she would start stabing her self with a fork. Luckly for me I never went on a bad trip with it but after seeing that I swore off most everything.

with coke, weed, acid, angel dust, anything and everything you need to know what your getting into its not a toy and shouldnt be taken as such. Yeah I've done drugs and each time I still do anything I am taking a risk so dont think I'm bitching at anybody.

sorry for the rant


Well-known member
I worked in mental health for 10 years before going into makeup...trust me...you don't want to mess with the seratonin levels in your brain...just stay away from X.


Well-known member
Yeah I was thinking of trying it at first because someone was like "oh yeah its so much fun, you feel like you are flying." But then again my bf convinced me that it wouldnt be such a good idea and i thought to myself to never try any drugs! except I did try some "brownies" but for some reason it made me really sick and I felt like I need to go to the hospital because I felt like my chest and brain was going to explode. PPL thought my reaction to it was weird and that it was just my imagination, but still it was scary for me cause I didnt know how to react and I couldnt get up cause I felt like I needed to throw up.

But as for X i know I wont try it, and I dont judge ppl for doing it. its hard for me to accept that ppl like it and that they say its safe if you do it correctly. Its true that smoking and alcohol is more dangerous than X, but its something that goes around all the time and ppl I know talk about it so much that I just want to tell them that it could POSSIBLY effect them especially in their brain but they dont listen to me. Its ok im over it, if the ppl I care for dont want to listen to me about it then whatever. I guess I shouldnt be taking so much time trying to help when they dont want any help.


Well-known member
I think it's like anything that's risky - you are taking a risk. I think if you want to do it, it OK to feel that way. You need to sit down and think about the consequences of doing it if you decide to go ahead with it, namely:

1. Who will you do it with? Ecstasy makes you feel very different than you normally would and makes you say and do things you normally would not. Keep that in mind.

2. Where will you do it? Don't do it in a dangerous place. Know your surroundings.

3. What will you do if something happens? Do your friends know to call 911?

4. Do you have an addictive personally or struggle with other addictions? If so, this may not be for you.

5. Do you suffer from depression and/or anxiety? Of all things you take away from this post, please realize that these types of drugs make these issues much worse.

6. Do you know who you are buying from? Even though you can rarely trace a street drug to its source, NOT buying from a 16 year old kid in some dark back room at a sweaty rave is probably a good idea...

I, like others, have used ecstasy, among other drugs. While it's OK, it's really not worth the after-effects, imo. Asking yourself questions and being honest about the answers will help you make the best decision for yourself and your lifestyle.



Well-known member
You feel sluggish the day after, like you don't really know what's going on. You have no appetite, and even if you do eat, nothing tastes good. You might still be grinding your teeth.

If you can't tell, I've done it, and now that I look back, it's not worth it. Yes, it made my night exhilarating and fun, but it's sad that I needed drugs to have fun. I quit the whole scene itself, because getting into the situation that leads to E will most likely get you to take it.


Well-known member
Anyone who says that a drug is safe and then follows that with a "but" is an idiot, especially if that "but" is followed by "it damages your brain." Anything that damages your brain is NOT safe. Anything that alters your mind is not safe. I don't care if someone's been smoking weed for years and are fine, that does NOT make it a safe drug. Just because you don't get lung cancer from smoking cigarettes doesn't mean that it's SAFE!

I'm not trying to put down anyone who does drugs, don't get me wrong. I've never held anything like that against a person, but to say that it's safe is just stupid and immature.


Active member
Why would you...?

long term consequences of any - and yes, that includes perscription (Rx) - drugs makes me question how anyone can say that it's safe.

alcohol just happens to be legal, not safe. In limited amounts, it can have benefits. In the amounts you can't speak correctly, walk straight, or remember what you are doing - it's extremely damaging to your body. Liver and brain both don't like it.

But I have to ask - why would you want to do any drug you are buying from someone who doesn't have your best interests (as a pharmacist generally does) in mind?

I admit I don't understand


Well-known member
There are risks and side affects for everything. Look at the little girl who went blind when her parents gave her infant's tylenol for a fever.

I've always been curious about E but that's as far as I'm personally willing to take it. I've got too much to live for to risk something awful happening to me.

If only I could give up my Dr. Pepper addiction.
The thought of the caffeine stripping by bones of calcium should be enough.


Well-known member
I think its scary for ppl to use drugs, i mean really do u REALLY know whats in the porduct that u buy.. Now in days ppl are crazy... ppl buy stuff from ppl they know or trust to find out their stuff is laced with god knows what. Im not trying to knock ppl down for doing their "thang" i mean who am i.....

I seen this post yesterday... for my husband to tell me that one of our dear friends brother is in the hopsital B/c he OD on X. Now this kid who was doing this drug for fun or maybe just for shits and giggles, is the hospital, and almost died. is it really worth it? Im thinking of the heart ach his family is going through seeing him in there and knowing what he is there for.

ive known ppl to od and die, my good friend passed away last year from an OD, they found his body next to a daycare facility. he left behind a new born baby and his fiance. "now thats sad" and for what? "a stupid choice he made" Another friend of mines we thought was having a seizure.. was acutally experiencing the effect of an OD. now that was scary for me also. I dont have anything against pple who use X or any type of drugs for that matter. "me personally" ( I DONT DIG IT"


Well-known member
I've done it, but I never pretended that it was safe. If you know what you're doing and what's in your pill(s), you MIGHT be ok. That's the most you can say.

The next day (or next several days) can be VERY hard. At best, your cracked out and your body hurts. At worst, you become extremely depressed and might possibly hurt or kill yourself.

But with all the media attention ecstasy gets (and we've all heard about coke, heroin...), many people don't realize how dangerous other drugs can be. Especially meth, prescription meds and hallucinogens. I honestly do believe ecstasy gets so much media attention because it's the main drug associated with the rave scene.


Well-known member
I think my main problem with x would be you really don't know whats in it, people but bleach, horse tranquliser, rat poison and lots of other shit into it sometimes. I'd never do it personally, but then I'd never do any drugs again (I tried weed once). I just don't see why anything like that would be worth risking your life over


Well-known member
Meh. Take it in MODERATION and be safe about it and you'll be fine. I've taken it a few times and had a great time, I didn't mix with alcohol and drank loads of water and had breaks from dancing to cool down. The only negative aspect is the slight come down the day after but that's about it. Like anything, just don't overdo it. I definitely haven't fucked up my life by taking it on a few instances and I'm not a sad and desparate individual.

I think people have really different views on drugs and alcohol in the States than here in Europe.

Also, overdosing on MDMA (the active ingredient in E) is EXTREMELY rare. Your body is only able to absorb a certain amount of the MDMA and then it stops. People who "die from E" usually do some under other circumstances like drug cocktails or heart attack from mixing with other things and not cooling down. They're just not being smart about it. I think it's stupid to tell kids, Oh drugs are bad don't do them, you'll die. Kids will do it anyway, and it's better to let them know how to prevent needless accidents. That's more the policy of how it's done in Europe, when I went to some big parties here, they even have pill testing centres where you can get your pill tested to make sure there's nothing unsafe in it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissChievous
Meh. Take it in MODERATION and be safe about it and you'll be fine. I've taken it a few times and had a great time, I didn't mix with alcohol and drank loads of water and had breaks from dancing to cool down. The only negative aspect is the slight come down the day after but that's about it. Like anything, just don't overdo it. I definitely haven't fucked up my life by taking it on a few instances and I'm not a sad and desparate individual.

I think people have really different views on drugs and alcohol in the States than here in Europe.

Also, overdosing on MDMA (the active ingredient in E) is EXTREMELY rare. Your body is only able to absorb a certain amount of the MDMA and then it stops. People who "die from E" usually do some under other circumstances like drug cocktails or heart attack from mixing with other things and not cooling down. They're just not being smart about it. I think it's stupid to tell kids, Oh drugs are bad don't do them, you'll die. Kids will do it anyway, and it's better to let them know how to prevent needless accidents. That's more the policy of how it's done in Europe, when I went to some big parties here, they even have pill testing centres where you can get your pill tested to make sure there's nothing unsafe in it!

I could not agree more. It's not drugs that are the problem, it's the way we do them.

It's like anything that can kill you - have respect for what it can do to your body and you will be fine. Disrespect is where you start getting into trouble...

Think about it like your car. You don't run red lights, you wear your seat belt, you drive on the right side of the road. It's amazing what a little forethought and common sense can accomplish.