Maybe this is more of a request, but I'd like it if when you click on topics inside each subforum, that your browser automatically goes to wherever you last looked at the post. does that, and it is a nice feature
I preferred the old version. There's allot on this site to see, many subcategories, and I found the former version easier to navigate. As a result, I visit Specktra less often these days and when I do visit, I stay only a minute or two.
this new version, even in fixed width still takes waaaaaay too long to load most pages. lotsa hang time. (using Firefox, if that helps)
what i miss the most about the old version is how threads you had previously viewed STAYED UNBOLDED even if there were new posts in the thread. please please please for the love of all that is holy and MAC, PLEASE bring that back. it's so hard to find anything anymore...PLEASE!
Originally Posted by Sprout I preferred the old version. There's allot on this site to see, many subcategories, and I found the former version easier to navigate. As a result, I visit Specktra less often these days and when I do visit, I stay only a minute or two.
You have the option of reverting to the old version
Specktra has been going REALLY slow for me lately (the past two or three weeks). At first, I thought it was because I moved and had a different internet provider, but all other websites were just fine. Today I switched it back to the old skin and it is working a lot better...I'm just disappointed because I like the features of the new style so much better...
It was just loading everything SO slowly that I didn't even visit anymore and when I did visit I'd have to be browsing another website at the same time to prevent myself from dying of boredom waiting for pages to load here.
I know I'm not that often here and there but I think Specktra got harder to navigate over the last couple of months so I don't want to surf around because there's too much going on!
I appreciate the effort but IMHO it's too confusing! And the start page is way overrated as well!