what do you think i should use?

So on saturday im going to this club with my friends.I have already decided that im going to wear a white sparkly top with some dark blue jeans,or a jean skirt,and some white slingbaks.

the trouble is that i have no idea what eyeshadows to put together that day.

help me please!!!


Well-known member
I would go for some color since you are wearing blue and white. With the jeans IMO i would stay away from blues, unless you want to go for monochromatic type look. as far as color I am really bad at that! maybe golds or purples or along that line?? hope that helps a little!


Well-known member
Smokey, dark purple eyes perhaps... hmmm silver (or silvery grey/black etc) might be quite nice, but that might depend on how dark your jeans are... What kinda sparkles are on your top, silver sparkles? Gold? Multi? Other... that way we might be able to match something a lil' better... What colors your hair and eyes?
well the sparkles are like multi color, you know the kind where you move them to one side and they look one color and then another color the other.kinda like pinkish and yellowish with silver.i think im wearing a dark denim color of jeans. I have dark brown eyes with medium brown hair and beig highlits.


Well-known member
White gold is the first thing that pops into my head... pink opal would look better though... hmmm how about pink opal as a highlighter, trax all over and something funky like... a thin line of brassy fluidline... I'll have a play around and a better think and get back to you...

Okay so I've tried pink opal, trax and brassy together, and I have to say that it rawks... I really like it...