What do you think of these sunglasses?


Well-known member
Summer is nearly here, so I'm going to get some nice sunglasses when I go down to London in a couple of weeks.


Anyway, what do you think?
I have an oval face shape, ty


Well-known member
If you have an oval face, you should be able to wear whatever you want.

I won't give my opinion on the glasses, though, because I don't care for big glasses like that. They are fashionable right now. I have a small oval face, so any shape works for me, but big glasses like that make me look like a skinny Nicole Richie.


Well-known member
haha, I love them. I'm a huge fan of well...huge glasses. I boughta pair of black ones with Black and white stripes on the side parts (?) and they are awesomely cute. I have a habit of buy cheapies though because they tend to get scratched and thrown around alot. My boyfriend cant stand that he cant see half of my face when I wear them...but I love them and wouldnt wear anything else

They will look awesome on you


New member
They are very pretty. I have a pair almost just like this, but the sides are plastic black as well.The black frames with the smoke lenses are the hottest! I have been on a mission to find some white ones like this , if anyone knows where I can find some, please let me know!


Well-known member
I like them, the gold metalic sides makes it unique and less harsh than really thick pastic sides like some glasses I've seen.


Well-known member
I love them!!! They're gorgeous!!!!!!!!!! Woo woo!!!!! I love sunglasses by Oliver People and Christian Dior. They make GIGANORMOUS sunglasses...love em


Well-known member
Those are HOT!! I am a fan of the big sunglasses look too! What's even more important is that it covers the entire eye area and protects that thin skin from sun damage.


Well-known member
I really like them. I saw a pair of cheap ones like that the other day that caught my eye and I saw a girl this weekend wearing a similar pair that looked awesome. I'm going to have to go back and try the cheapie ones on