What do you value the most about your partner?


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What are the things that you value the most about your significant other? Let's share!

I'll go first!

His honesty/truthfulness - My bf doesn't ever lie to me about important stuff. We are totally honest to each other, and the trust is just totally there and I know he has never cheated on me even though the opportunity was there when we were long distance.

Shows me that he cares - He'll do little stuff for me like pick me up from work sometimes if I've had a terrible day, he moved to Montreal for a year to be with me so I could finish my school, does chores around the house

He isn't a stereotypical macho guy - doesn't have the traditionalist viewpoint on women, helps out with chores around the house, is a good cook, doesn't expect me to serve on him, etc.

Loves me with all my flaws - Even though we have disagreements and arguments now and then, I still know he will be there for me when I wake up in the morning, and when I fall asleep at night, regardless all the squabbles we've had

I can add more but I'll let you girls have a go now! So, your turn!


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Certainly his work ethic and aspirations.

He never, ever misses work! I always use my sick days like it's going out of style when I feel even just a little blah. But he is always working very hard, earning awards, etc. He has great passion for what he does and wants to do great things. His dream is to be an Astronaut ever since he was young. He now works in mission control and is right where he needs to be at this point in his life. He is amazing for keeping with his goals/passions/dream.

I value that a whole lot. I wouldn't have moved to Texas (after only dating 5 months) if I didn't see that special spark in him and his pursuit.


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His patience and generosity with me. I loooove to go shopping, and it's been a very hard transition for me to have no money of my own. But, he lets me shop and get what I want, for the most part, while doing without on the things he wants. And more than once, I've overspent, but he just tells me to keep things in check and we work through it.

His support of my ambitions. I announced I wanted to go to law school only a month after we were married. He balked at first, but soon enough he came around and now I'll be graduating in May.

And, I'm going to take a page from Hilly's book there and also say his work ethics and ambition. He, too, never uses his sick days (even though his company gives him unlimited sick days). He works as a government contractor on an air force base, and the people there are always praising him or requesting him to engineer certain things for them. He's been called out to travel to other bases to help them engineer things because he's so good at what he does. And when he goes to meetings, people who meet him for the first time are always surprised that he's so young because most people who have accomplished what he has are twice his age!! And although we do enjoy going on vacations, he often brings work stuff with him when we have some down time. He wants to keep working in the area he's in because he loves his job, and he would like to start teaching undergraduate classes on the side. Ultimately, I think he'd like to finish his Master's and go on to earn a PhD. After he retires, he would like to teach on a more full-time basis at the undergraduate/graduate level.


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The simple unexplainable connection we have. I feel we are soul mates. We know what each other is thinking almost always. We can get along together forever without getting sick of one another.
The thought of losing him in some freak accident or illness makes me cringe, i don't want to get old without him and i want to die the exact second he does, hopefully when we are old and gray.
Sometimes our closeness puts others off and we can really tell who our real friends are.


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I need a list to keep me on track. I get side tracked by thinking about his looks. I am extremely attracted to his looks. I have been for decades. I will not lie.

1. He values women.
2. He is responsible.
3. He is dependable.
4. He loves children and animals.
5. He has a really funny sense of humor.
6. He is very resourceful with anything around the house and with automobiles.
7. He takes good care of his health.
8. He is very intelligent. (If he hasn't done something before, he will read up on it and do it to precision).
9.He likes to include me in everything.
10.He has been faithful to me for decades.
11.He is romantic.
12.He has gorgeous hair. --Oops, I am getting side tracked again. The man is smokin' in my eyes.
I can't help myself. I will have to stop.


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Support-He supports me in the things I want to do. I can't say that I've done the same for him (which is its own long story). But when I say "Baby I want to be a makeup artist someday" He tells me to follow that and to keep working at it. I always get down because I feel like I'm not good at anything, but he tells me to be positive and to follow my dreams and to be what I want to be.

Care-He takes good care of me. In the beginning of our relationship, he would take me shopping and pay for most things. Money is very tight right now, and I am not the kind of person that wants him to buy me things. He wants to be able to provide for the family that we will have someday. He is always taking care of me if I'm hurt or sick. I look forward to just having him hug me and hold me and to spend that time together.

He looks forward to having a family with me. He is always talking about when we get married, when he have kids, etc. Unlike a lot of guys, he doesn't dread getting married or moving in together, or havingkids. he is looking forward to it. He can't wait until I have all of his kids. The fact that he wants to build a life with me, no matter how much we fight and argue, he doesn't want to leave me and he doesn't want to be with anyone else. He would rather work things out and still share our lives together.

His family sometimes thinks that he spends too much time with me, he does too much for me, he talks about me too much. His friends think so too. he is always sticking up for me and our relationship. He doesn't let anyone get int his head and think that "maybe we're moving too fast, maybe we shouldn't move in together". He lets them know that we are going to be married, that we love eachother, and that they have no business talking about it.

His sense of humor. He is the funniest person I know. I have never laughed so hard (until I cried) in my life. He is always doing something silly or stupid. He is just so much fun to be around, he is always making me smile or laugh. He's hilarious.
He's a good person. He's very likeable, friendly, respectful. He's a hardworker. When he is out without me, most of the time he wants me to be there too. He wants us to do everything together, and he wants to go to new places we've never been before. He is generous, and never selfish.


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My honey is my favorite person in the world.

He lets me be me, which is huge. Cause I'm kind of annoying.

He is the best father my kids could possibly ask for. Especially my girls. He is the best male role model they could possibly have.

He respects me.

He can fix or build anything.

He's a Marine. That's hot
Sleeves-up camis make my heart flutter.


Well-known member
Hmmm.. I love how the bf really wants to do something with his life, which is pretty rare when you're young and you usually just want to go out and have fun. He's very work oriented and the type of person that wants to be the boss instead of working for a boss, which I find endearing because I couldn't really care less for myself haha. But if I'm really sick then I know he'll leave work and come home to take care of me.

I get sick easily and he never gets annoyed or short with me and takes care of me through and through. He cooks and cleans and has NO problem with it, to the point where he won't even LET me clean up sometimes and just tells me to go relax and watch some TV.

I don't work and I hate asking other people for money or to buy me things but he pays for EVERYTHING and funds my makeup collection. He doesn't really see a point in having a bunch of different eyeshadows and blushes but if I really really want it, he'll get it for me. He's bought me WOW to pass the time, a new laptop, a puppy, purses, shoes, and the list goes on. Not once is he bitter that he spends thousands on me while I spend virtually nothing on him (I feel bad though.. lol)

If I want attention he'll give me attention, and he doesn't mind that I'll act childish and silly a lot. I also have a short temper and he has NO temper at all, so he's never really gotten mad at me or yelled at me before.

o_O wow I'm lucky haha


Well-known member
I love this thread. Great for girls who live with their bfs and sometimes the perspective gets lost in the routine of things.

My big ones for me are:

His sense of humour - he can make me laugh and laugh till my tears are flowing. He gets my sense of humour and we can pretty much turn any situation into something fun and humourous. Life isn't easy for us, but that's how we deal.

His work ethic and sense of responsibility - I am glad many of you see this as something to value, because it makes me so proud to see him work so hard and put his time into what he wants to accomplish. He is hard on himself at times, but nothing worth having is ever easy right? He does not take short cuts or try to scam the system. He will not do anything that takes away from his integrity. He does things not only out of responsibility but when it comes to friends and family, out of generousity.

Trust and Honesty - we have this too and this gives us the freedom to be progressive individuals. We do things we love that don't necessarily revolve around our relationship and we are better people because of it. We have learned to deal with things immediately and not let things fester. This is something only time could really develop, and really is the true foundation of love.


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He's very kind and puts others before himself a lot. He's caring, reliable, dependable and he takes care of me when I'm sick or feeling down. And he puts up with me. I'm not an easy person to live with or get on with at times. He supports me when I need it and backs off when I want space. He works hard too and he doe his share of the housework and cooking.


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Loyalty, Honesty, & Very Patient. Puts me before himself. Great Father.

Mostly, he loves hanging out with me! We've been married going on 29 years & wouldn't trade him for anyone else.

Oh, he'll shop for hours with me


Well-known member
His calm disposition. I've never seen him get angry or hostile with anyone, even in the most heated of situations he's very cool about everything no matter what's going on.

Oh, and he's a really really great kisser <3


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Oh where to begin.

He's the perfect gentleman. Not only to me, but to every woman and he's very hardworking and not lazy at all. He's the best young man I've ever come into contact with (I say *young* because of course I think very highly of my Pop and my Dad). I've always dated guys older than me by at least a year and he's five months younger than I am but more mature financially and in every other aspect than any of them.
Okay, I could ramble on forever so I'll just make a bit of a list.

-opens car doors and every other door, every single time.
-pays for every meal no matter what I say
-will eat almost anything I cook (haha, brave man)
-laughs more than anyone I think I know, at anything, and he's goofy like me
-is a hard ass but also a big teddy bear (only when it comes to me) (this attracts me...what can I say...I think it's because I don't like getting emotional about stuff and he certainly doesn't either so it flows well together)
-every time he says that he loves me it's like hearing it for the fist time
-tells me I'm beautiful daily and loves how I look when I first wake up (he's the only person that I have ever believed 100% when he says these things. I have never questioned it and never will. It's in his voice, his eyes, everything.)
-He's very brutally honest.
(I'm a realist. I believe that people can't be trusted. However...I know, with 100% of my being, that he would not cheat on me, lie to me, or even consider anything like that. I absolutely trust him.)

ok, I'll stop. Just know that there's plenty more lol.


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He's intelligent, academically. I can have heated conversations with him about issues in philosophy, about ideas in psychology, etc and he understands what I'm talking about. I'm an honors student and it's really hard to find people (especially partners) who are on my academic level, and he is, THANK GOD. We both plan on pursuing PhDs in our respective fields, and it's so refreshing to have someone that understands how serious I am about school, and my need for success. Someone who's not all 'reading books is gay, school sucks' to put it bluntly!


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Sigh* No one loves me like he does. What I truly value most about him is his love for me. He always shows it and he tells me. Every time he touches me or tells me how he feels, I am reminded of what we have been through together and how we have come together, and apart, and together again. He has said time and again that I am the only one he would want to and could make a long-term commitment to. I'm the only one he would want to make it work with. He proves that every day and I honestly can't imagine my prince being anyone else. Love you Matty.


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At his core, he's a good man. He's got faults, and usually he'll face them.
He's devoted to his family, his children, his wife, and our life. I can't fault him that.
He's endearing in so many different ways, and yet infuriating in at least half as many.

We fit.


Well-known member
There are so many things about our relationship that I love, but I'll stick to the qualities he has that I value.
  • How hard-working he is. He has had a job since he was thirteen and has been saving ever since. Not many nineteen year olds can say that.
  • That he is ambitious. I love that he has goals that he works hard to accomplish. Getting his commercial pilot's license is going to be long and difficult, but he wants to make it happen and I'm sure he will.
  • How supportive of me he is. Even though my school is the reason we're so far apart right now, he won't talk to me on the phone unless my work is done, won't stay up late on the phone with me if he knows I have class in the morning... Things like that. He also is very supportive and encouraging with my music, keeping up to date on rehearsals and concerts. He knows my emotional situation right now, and keeps track of how I'm doing, makes sure that I get things out when I need too.
  • How loving he is. He's never been afraid of showing his affection, physically, verbally, with gestures, etc. He makes me feel like I'm someone special.
  • His sense of humour. He can make me laugh like no one else, and when life sucks being able to laugh with someone you love is a gift to be valued.
  • He can cook like no one's business. Sounds superficial, but having someone make you a fantastic supper is awesome.
Those are the biggies... I could go on, but it's hard to keep it to characteristics rather than stuff about our relationship.


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I love his honesty, he'll give me his true opinion on things, no matter what.

I love the fact that I can talk to him every day, for hours and hours and hours and never get bored, heck I cant even talk to my friends/family that much.

His sense of humour, he can always make me laugh

How supportive he is, I used to never do my homework when I was in high school, but he would always make me, and just not talk to me til im finished lol. Hes also supported me very much with my job.

How he lets me be me, he loves me for who I am and doesnt want me to change (no matter how bad I want to! lol)

His patience with me

That soul mate connection we share with each othe.

How he is always willing to listen to me, no matter how much I complain, or go on about things.

If Im feeling down he always makes me feel better

I could go on and on... I love him so much!


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A lovely thread because we have not been good to each other recently. Our house purchase is a very sour situation, not the first time buyers dream it looked like and we have been on the breadline for months now. This has propmted me to think of and appreciate the good things.

Alex is my soul mate, by best friend and a great housemate too. He is a wonderful cook and a very selfless man. He is interesting and interested, and his caring nature never wanes. He is not the first to tidy up, to think about washing up etc as he is very laid back, I used to think me and my anxieties and his relaxed attitude could not get on, now these attributes complement each other perfectly and we help each other to see the other side of things.


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He pretends to be interested in my makeup obsession. He actually remembers a lot of the things I tell him, hahaha.

He's my very best friend.

He never gets mad - he gets dissapointed. Which is actually worse sometimes, lol!

I know he will always be there no matter what kind of crazy things happen. Good times and bad times, it will always be us.

We have been together for five years and still talk on the phone every night. Even if it is about what we did all day.

I can 100% trust him. He doesn't have it in him to screw around. A hot girl might walk by and I will oogle her while he won't even notice!

Very protective. He worries about me at my insane workplace. Actually, he has a right to do that. haha.