What do you value the most about your partner?


Well-known member
he's always been there for me.
when no one else was.
he still is there for me...
and i know that he forever will be.
he cares about me.
he does everything for me.
he loves me.
and he does whatever he can to ensure my happiness.
he always puts me first,
and although he has many faults...
he is a great person.
and i know that one day... he will make a great father.

Jennifer Mcfly

Well-known member
What a great thread! We spend so much time thinking about the negative things in life...this is a great pick me up!!

I love my boyfriend b/c I have never been so compatible with someone in my life. We understand each other, we get along, he knows how to handle my moods. He always makes me laugh and I him. We can talk about anything under the sun. He doesn't fault my past or judge the things I've done or choices I made.
Even when we fight, no matter what we never go to bed without saying I love you, even if we're still mad! We always end up both apologizing to each other and in the end there is never a finger pointed at who's at fault b/c We usually both are

We're teammates. We always have each others side.
He's so sweet and romantic. He buys me flowers all the time when he goes to the market. Despite being a terrible cook, he still loves cooking for me even if I end up not liking what he made. He always is such a guy, always carrying the heavy bags, and taking more then me so I don't have to carry so much. He does the dirty stuff...like taking out the trash.
He has so much charisma and everyone loves him. He's so friendly and personable.
We just click so well together. It feels amazing!


Well-known member
His devoted and untiring tolerance.

His steadfast support and pride in me.

I can have a complex problem in my life, and after running it by him I feel 100% at ease because somehow his input makes me feel better about everything.

His boyish heart and the charm in his smile.

The heat of his body is like a furnace, I've grown to love it it makes me happy.

His enthusiasm for his passions and hobbies.

glassy girl

Well-known member
WOW this is a easy one. I love how he loves the lord so much. He says he's here to serve and not to be served. He is the hardest working man i've every come across. I lov how he treats everybody the same no matter ur walk of life and doesn't judge. The glass is always half full rather than empty. I lov how he lovs my family as if it were his. I value how he always has a smile on his face no matter what i lov his compassion, i lov how he treats his mom. I lov how he is very patient with me and our son. could go on forever but last but not least it doesn't bother him one bit how much mac i buy or anything at that. Wow i'm the luckest girl on earth 10 years and going strong.


Well-known member
We're very compatible. He's always there to listen to me, he's hilarious, and he'll do silly things with me like dance to Madonna in public.


Well-known member
I think I'd have to write an essay on here if I tried to point out the things I value the most from that man!

But if I had to... The thing I value the most from him is that he is the best friend I never had.


Well-known member
1. He is a man of great character and morals. God is the head of his life and it shows!

2. He's very forgiving ( I screw up alot)
3. 8 years of marriage and 3 kids later I believe he loves me more now than he ever did.
4. He's an exellent provider for our family
5. He has the makings of a great leader
6. He supports my dreams
I thank God for Him daily because I know nobody else can love the way he does!

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