What does your family think about your makeup ?


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i dont think my family particularly knows... i only come home about one weekend a month... and those few days i bring minimal amounts. my mom thinks i look totally different with make up and she doesnt like it. my dad thinks its a waste of money to buy makeup.

my boyfriend is another story though, he likes that i have such a deep interest but thinks its a waste of money =(


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My husband loves it and supports my habit big time. He lets me know that I look good with or without makeup which I think is cool. My family on the other hand is not so understanding. None of my family nor my in-laws wear makeup except for the occassional lipstick. I often feel odd wearing it around all of'em so when I go visit anyone like my in-laws I try not to wear anything cause its like they look at me weird. Now that I think about it I don't even have friends that wear or like makeup the way I do. Gosh its a lonely makeup world.

Lucy In The Sky...

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My mom says that she doesn't know why I spend my money on "that make up crap". She doesn't think that I need make up cause she says I look pretty without it. But I really like make up...I guess cause I don't see it the same way that she does, I see it as art and something to have fun with (cause I was never allowed to play any when I was little). My cousin thinks my little MAC obsession is awesome, she likes to use it, and I'll use some of hers sometimes. Other than that, most of my family is ok with it, but they think the same way my mom does...


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my mother doesnt really know how serious i am about it. I told her about it, and gave her my business cards (for my freelance career). She didnt say anything, I guess i have to SHOW her exactly what i am doing. my father thinks its a complete waste of time. he'd rather me be a lawyer then a MUA; he said so. It hurts to not have his support. but w/e. My boyfriend Completely supports me. He loves it and understands my addiction as well as my goals. I couldn't ask for a better man.


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My mom hates anything that I get obsessed with. At first she was happy I was getting into makeup, now she gives me a hard time when she sees me going towards the MAC counter. I do have a lot, but I don't always buy at the counter so I don't know what the deal is.

It isn't that she doesn't like MAC, she's gone behind my back to the counter, but she never gets the right things because the girls at the counter aren't very good. She'd be better off with me helping her.

My dad doesn't care, he prefers women made up and looking glam, so he's always happy when I put time into my beauty routine.


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They don't really pay any attention to it, my mum is happy to buy me make up as gifts and supports the fact that I'm in love with MAC and that it's what I spend my money on. She's not really that into make up herself, which is a shame, because it would be fun if we had something that we could do together, but she hardly ever wears make up. But yeah, they don't really care lol.


Well-known member
When I used to have my collection out, my mom would give me lectures on the amount of money I spend. But since I'm at uni, and she doesn't see it in such great quantities she's fine. However, when it comes to wearing actual makeup (as opposed to the monetary aspect) she whole-heartedly supports me. When she was my age, she and her sisters were the trendsetters that wore makeup, whereas everyone else in school was a "plain jane." So she gets it.

At first my sister was shocked at my collection (as I would show her every now and then.. and do her makeup). But whenever she got on my case for spending hundreds at MAC.. I'd tease her for spending hundreds of dollars on jeans. It equaled out. I eventually won her over by giving her Benefit and MAC for Christmas and her birthday. Now she loves the high end.. and I have one less lecture.

As for my friends, they're either supportive of neutral. The only time some of them mind is when I do makeovers on them (note.. makeovers apply to my guy friends as well). They think I'm a little bit crayzee for my obsession, but everyone has their quirks and this one's mine - and I'm proud of it. I'd like to think I've converted a good many of them too.


Well-known member
My mum doesnt mind that i her money and my money is spent on MAC. Because she knows how much i LOVE it and she knows that im going to use it all, so it doesnt bother her. She also loves going there with me and shopping with me for products heheh and everytime i go to bac to mac and pick up a lipstick all of them go to her as i don't really wear lipstick, so yeah i think its totally awesome
. My aunty also loves goig to MAC with me, every time we go to the Sydney David Jones counter she always asks for my advice and assistance to help her pick some products out. And my friends, well they think im absolutely crazy for spending so much money on MAC. Hardly any of them wear make-up except lipgloss or whatever (im 17
) hehe and im the huge make-up lover in my group! For example, they came to my house yesterday and we were in my room and they were looking through my shelf and through all my MAC and there like "how much is this brush" (it was the 187 stippling brush) i told them how much it was and there like "oh my god oh my god" lol .


Well-known member
My mother loves my make-up, especially because I wear mostly elegant vintage faces that take a decent amount of skill to do, and that's a look she used to really rock when she was a gorgeous twenty-something. We're a stylish family, I guess.


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Well, my family is very supportive. When I was in high school I wanted to be an acrylic painter, but my dad was like, 'you need to stick with computers, there is no money in being an artist like that.' LOL So I did, I began to love computers but would love to paint on the side and stuff. I got a job with Clinique and then realized that I could still paint but with make up. I've been loving it every since. I'm want to totally change careers now, but I feel I'm too old. At 32, I feel I should already be settled into a career. I am, I work in IT but I love doing my freelance work as a make up artist. My family and friends all tell me to go for it. I am not married and have no children so it's the perfect time for me. But of course, I'm a big chicken right now. LMAO



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my mom hates it when i wear dark shadows (she says it makes me look sad) and she says i spend too much money on makeup (this is coming from a woman who has over 9,000$ worth of sewing equipment, which mind you, is more than my CAR cost haha)

my dad isn't a HUGE fan of it. he absolutely hated it when i used to wear just thick black eyeliner. now that i can actually apply my makeup and blend properly and use more than just black, i can tell it's growing on him haha

my sister is fascinated by it. she compliments me always on my makeup and when she's home, asks me to do her makeup


Well-known member
My mum prefers it when I wear natural makeup, and thinks I should stikc with browns, purples or a smokey eye. She never likes it when I wear green or blue, and says I have too much eyeliner under my eye pretty much all the time. She saw how happy I was when we went to MAC for the first time, but wasn't really fussed. My friends always comment on my makeup, and ask me to do it for them when we go out.
Oh and my grandma hates my makeup and my hair, and doesn't worry about telling me so =p


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I always ask for their advice (especially my sister's) because their advice is usually quite good. Parents are very supportive of my makeup-"girl you have to look good!" My makeup's usually neutral, for the record.