What finish do you like ? Velvet, Matte, Satin, Lustre, Veluxe, Veluxe Pearl?


Well-known member
I really like the Velvet finish (Smut, Mulch Juiced or Beauty Marked), the Matte one (Passionate, Plumage and Carbon) and the Veluxe Pearl (Shimmermoss & Sumptuous live).


Well-known member
Satins are my absolute favorite (Digit, Parfait Amour, French Grey, etc.), but some of the Frosts are great, too (Madame B. eyeshadows in particular)


Well-known member
I love Satins (Era, Soba, Shroom), Lustres (Tempting, Mythology, Retrospeck), Veluxe Pearls (Shimmermoss, Falling Star, Star Violet, All that Glitters, Twinks), Frosts (Cranberry, Vex, Humid, Bronze)


Well-known member
I haven't liked any lustres I've tried because they are just too glittery. I almost never wear mattes because I don't like how they look, I like at least a little shimmer.

I'd say frosts and VPs are easiest to blend, for me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ♥MiCHiE♥
I honestly never even pay attention to the finishes when I buy shadows.

I thought I was the only one. Haha!

Ms. Z

Well-known member
My favorites are matte, satin & VP; my least is Frost (but I do own some because sometimes the color is too pretty to pass up)

On me, I hate frost lipstick.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACGoddess
Honestly I love ALL the textures... I don't find them difficult to deal with, and they all have their pros and cons.

ITA!! I love em all. I don't discriminate

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