I'm still up in the air about this. I think I'm an NC25, as a MA at my Macy's counter matched me a few days ago. However, I'm confused, because I would assume the concealer of a particular shade would be a touch *lighter* than the foundation, right? I have an NC25 Studio Fix concealer and it's definitely just a smidge darker than the rest of my skin. The concealer I'd had before (Benefit Boi-ing in 01) was a bit too light, so I've been adding a tiny bit of that to mostly the NC25 and it's been ideal. But this makes me wonder if maybe I'm not an NC20.
Fortunately, I have a makeover appointment on the 28th, so I'm hoping they will help me settle this! I'm thinking I might give the Studio Sculpt foundation a try - I've never been big on foundation but I would like to try a nice light to medium coverage one.