when i see this i think that they can see each others coochie which is really disgusting. and paris is saying "come and look" LMAO this makes me sick. what gave them the idea that it would be alright to take a pic like this
Originally Posted by MzEmo when i see this i think that they can see each others coochie which is really disgusting.
Dont have such dirty thoughts then =p It's more than likeley they have chonies on. Not to mention, I doubt this was a pic that was supposed to get released to the public, so it's a candid shot of two sisters goofing off.
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK Thats true.. we all have embarrassing pictures.Thanks to our lovely friends.
Yeh... and even more now thanks to EVERYONE having a camera phone. It's not like they even stay on the film and have to be developed so you can attack the person who got the film developed when they show it to you, and rip it up. Now it's point, click, e-mail, MYSPACE!
I have so many embarassing photo's of friends on my phone lol...
haha my boyfriend just got his first camera phone (hes a little behind the times.. lol) and he wont stop taking pictures of me with the thing. Its awful. Im sure he will have a ball with it on new years , where im sure to get tipsy.. lol