What in your life is more important than makeup?


Well-known member
What in your life is, or should be, more important to you than makeup?

I'm as makeup-crazy as the next woman, but I'm happy to report that it doesn't hold the No. 1 spot in my life.
It ranks below, for instance, the health and well-being of my mother, my cats and my bird, and waaay below the things of God.
Makeup is fun, but it's only that: fun, and skin-deep, and very temporary.

To what does makeup take a back seat in your life?


Well-known member
Wow...definitely family, friends, and my CAT- Grover!

Animal welfare is pretty important to me. I wish I could adopt like 30 cats, but only have one due to living in an apartment and having a fiance that doesn't dig cats. Just yesterday, I was n Pet Smart and they were hosting a pet adoption day. It made me so sad to see all these little pets needing homes. I gave all the money I had in my purse to them because I knew the importance of this. Especially in this time of year (all cats they are getting are pregnant). So I am going to scale back my money I spend on makeup and give a little more to no-kill shelters.

When my beloved Keeney died last summer, I started doing an automatic donation of $20 a month to the SPCA. That's a pigment, but in the large scheme of things, a pigment is just (gasp) dust particles- where as a pet is a living being a needs the help of a human.

Sorry for the long response haha.


Well-known member
There is tons of stuff more important to me than makeup...my family, my friends, my pets. I could live without makeup if I had to, it's fun, but in no way does it define who I am or where I come from. In the end material things are just things, and the bonds you form with those you love, or pets you love, is worth far more then material things can be.


Well-known member
There are lots of things that are more important to me. My family, friends, and certainly my cats! I agree that makeup, clothes and purses are just material things that can be replaced. My family, friends, and cats...well they're each so unique and play a special role in my life. Each one holds a special place in my heart.

Of course, that's not to say that after grabbing my cats, I wouldn't try and save some of my MAC if *god forbid* my house was on fire, lol!


Well-known member
My friends and family most-def. They are my heart and soul and in the end, they love me no matter how I look/what I'm wearing.


Well-known member
My family, friends, boyfriend, education, physical health, mental/spiritual wellbeing... the list goes on. Makeup is fun, and the creativity rocks, but it's not very high on the priority list.

glassy girl

Well-known member
Jesus My Son My Husband My Wonderful Extended Family Our Health. Being Beautiful On The Inside Is More Important To Me Than Being Beautiful On The Outside No Amount Of Makeup Can Mask An Ugly Heart. Makeup Is Fun And Makes U Feel Beautiful But I Would Chose A Smile From My Son Over A Tube Of Lipstick Any Day!!


Well-known member
Family and friends are at the top. When everything else in life is a motherf*r, you ALWAYS have these guys.


Well-known member
My family (pets included) and friends (many of which count as family) definately rank supreme in my life. I think it has to do with the whole 'unconditional love' thing.
Educations and just learning new things, music, books, my mental and physical health, achieving my goals, and being happy and making others happy. I love makeup so much, but it is not something that I can't live without. Now coffee on the other hand....lol But seriously, makeup is ephemeral and there are so many more permanent things in my life that are worth the priority.


Well-known member
For me makeup has become a very prideful thing in my life... not good. Most of the time I feel so ugly without it. I do see inner beauty everyday and the "art" of outer beauty all the time. For a long time I was so mixed up... how much do I weigh? Is my makeup perfect... can I dare to go to the mailbox without it? Right now I am tring to put God as #1 and my husdand and family after that.

But, it sure does feel good to be all dolled up and have your husband look at you in that way

Makeup has become a "need" in my life more then a want. I can say I am probably addicted...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
So I am going to scale back my money I spend on makeup and give a little more to no-kill shelters.

When my beloved Keeney died last summer, I started doing an automatic donation of $20 a month to the SPCA. That's a pigment, but in the large scheme of things, a pigment is just (gasp) dust particles- where as a pet is a living being a needs the help of a human.

Sorry for the long response haha.


My church has a program in which for $15 a month, you can help a needy child in Haiti, and last fall I decided, "I can give up a lipstick or an eyeshadow every month to help someone," so I signed on, and I'm really glad I made that choice.
I'm hardly "deprived" of makeup, and a living being, human or animal, is much more important than makeup, even when it's MAC LE!


Well-known member
Definitely my family and good friends, as well as my cats. My cats are highly valued! Makeup is a fun hobby, but at the end of the day it's not that important.


Well-known member
Well I don't really have much of a family so I would have to say within this past year makeup has become very important in my life. It makes me happy. So of course when it comes right down to it my man, my job, bills, and health would all come before it but makeup is pretty high up there.


Well-known member
Being alive. Being financially responsible.

Of course, my mother. She is my everything for all that she has done for me. My education and health are very much more important as well. Of course, my kitten Ava; she's like my baby. (As for on the topic Hilly was talking about...I agree about being completely compassionate for all animals. Instead of donating just my money, I'm getting even more satisfaction out of volunteering my time and love for these animals! I always joke I'm going to end up an old single lady with a house full of 50 cats.

I think that makeup really helps our inner beauty shine outward. It makes people intrigued and then they get to know us and love us even more!


Well-known member
My family and friends, my sweet loving boyfriend, my finances. At the moment, I'm training towards Certificate of Makeup Design and Production, so it is my education. My health. My sanity