What in your life is more important than makeup?


Well-known member
Family & God, thats 1st most def, education, friends, doing saving up here and there, helping people if needed. I reduce expenses to save up for some important events. Despite my big love for make-up, there are really lots of more importants things inm our life, and the biggest one is Health. Plus, sometimes saving up goes first. Some of your posts really got to me, your are really beautiful inside, ladies!


Well-known member
I have thousands of dollars worth of makeup thanks to 8 years of collecting, but if my house was burning in flames, makeup would be my last worry. So thats how i rank things on importance.

Everything that can walk and talk in my life are most important in my life, heck my jewerly is more important than my makeup.


Well-known member
I'm actually rather new to this whole caring about makeup thing however lately it seems to be the one thing I can do that relaxes me just playing with colors and shades.

But more important to me are my son who will be a whopping 15 months old soon! My kitty cat Puck, my online friends, my husband of course however he may see it another way since all I do at nights these days is lock myself in the bathroom and play dress up heh.


Well-known member
Many, many, many things are MUCH more important to me than my makeup. If there were a fire and I had to grab the most important things, makeup wouldn't even be on my top list of priorities. I'd grab my paint brushes and art supplies long before thinking about my makeup!

The people I love, my pets who love me, my work and passions for literature, comparative religion and philosophy are all much more important to me than cosmetics. Sorry, mac gods but you're just not #1!


Well-known member
Pretty much everything. Makeup is fun but it ranks pretty low on my list of priorities. Thing that are important to me are my relationships with other people, my boyfriend, my family, my career, problems going on in the world, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hilly
Wow...definitely family, friends, and my CAT- Grover!

Animal welfare is pretty important to me. I wish I could adopt like 30 cats, but only have one due to living in an apartment and having a fiance that doesn't dig cats. Just yesterday, I was n Pet Smart and they were hosting a pet adoption day. It made me so sad to see all these little pets needing homes. I gave all the money I had in my purse to them because I knew the importance of this. Especially in this time of year (all cats they are getting are pregnant). So I am going to scale back my money I spend on makeup and give a little more to no-kill shelters.

When my beloved Keeney died last summer, I started doing an automatic donation of $20 a month to the SPCA. That's a pigment, but in the large scheme of things, a pigment is just (gasp) dust particles- where as a pet is a living being a needs the help of a human.

Sorry for the long response haha.

awwwwwwww I feel 100% just like you
Besides my family, my bf and my friends animal welfare is huge for me too
When my Storm died I did donations to the SPCA and eventually adopted Misha from there
Yay for animal lovers


Well-known member
I'm sorry, I just don't get this question... Of course we (on specktra) love makeup, but it's not like it's the only thing in our life. It would be like asking "What is more important than your cell phone/car/mp3 player/shoes..."
Family, friends, love, happiness, health... everything is more important than material stuff...

And, of course, makeup is more important to someone who is an makeup artist than it is to me...


Well-known member
it's been said before - but pretty much everything.

makeup is just another material possession to me. granted, it's a material possession collection i like a LOT... but it's still low on the priority list when it comes to my life and wellbeing.


Well-known member
It really cheers my heart to see the numbers of responsible cat lovers here. (Not that I don't love other animals, but cats are extra-special!).