What is one product or color you wish MAC came up with?


New member
Re: Ideas for future MAC products.....

I just realized what a dork I'd feel like if they already had something like this....they don't do they??? ha....ha.....
good times.....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mizz.Yasmine
i wish u could create ur own palette on macs site and have it shipped ready 4 u to dig in!

Oh gosh, yea!!!! I would LOVE to create my own custom palettes! That would be awesome!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
a pink fluidline! I keep wishing...

In the U.K a brand called Sleek do a pink gel liner for about $8


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
I'm probably going to be on my own with this one but I think they should put out a black lustre glass. I'm not a goth girl myself but I think that would look really cool for some reason.

You are not alone. I don't know how much I'd use it, but I'd sure as hell own it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mizz.Yasmine
i wish u could create ur own palette on macs site and have it shipped ready 4 u to dig in!

Oh yes!!! Oh yes, I vote for *THIS*!!!


Well-known member
I want a kelly green paintpot. lol

Ooooo and a shimmery purple paintpot like full force violet pigment! omgggg


New member
they should've never made lithograph, new weed or graphic brown LE. they should've made em perm. to begin with

I completely agree and they should have made orangescence perm too. ANY kind of reddened brown fluidline would be awesome. Dipdown is too flat for me and I cant wear blacktrack


Well-known member
I wish they made eyeshadow of Vanilla pigment, some glowing darker pink Paint pot and waterproof volumizing mascara (something like Diorshow). It's pretty hard to figure out!


Well-known member
Im still wishing for a violet veluxe pearl e/s (like violet trance but in a workable finish) and a matching matte violet paint pot


Well-known member
Bright Pink Fluidline FTW. Lime green ANYTHING. Like NEON in your FACE lime green. I don't care if it's a fluidline, paint pot, eyeshadow, lipstick (maybe not lipstick) I just want more GREEN!!! :O

A true red matte eyeshadow and more bubblegum pink lipsticks plz.

A collaboration with HK <~~ Been wishing for this for years and currently crossing my fingers that it MIGHT happen.


Well-known member
I'd really want more green eye shadows They have a ton of other colours but just a handfull on greens

So more greens for me!