My post might be long, I'm sorry! So many skin issues
I've tried pretty much everything in the darn drugstore!
What I use now:
-Huggies Green Tea & Cucumber Baby Wipes to take off the make-up
-GOSH Lift Off The Day Eye Make-up Remover
-Ponds Refreshing Cold Cream (heavy make-up only aka creative stuff)
-Neutrogena Grapefruit Face Wash with Salicylic Acid (banishes the greasies)
-Panoxyl Cream Face Wash with Benzoyl Peroxide 5%
Spot Treatment:
-12.5% BP cream (yes, I know its high, but it works despite the flakiness)
And for gruesome breakouts:
-Mixture of cotton soaked in Tea Tree Oil & 70% Isopropyl Alcohol used as a toner
It may seen excessive, but I've had acne since I was 11 and I'm 23 now. I tried Pro-activ - it worked for the first 3 months and then came back with a vengeance once I stopped using it. I also tried going on oral contraceptives - didn't do a damn thing - same with the shot, Depo provera.
I finally took Accutane - which is a really strong acne medication with severe side effects on a list as long as my arm! It worked - my face was completely clear within a month. Before this, I had never really gone more than a week with atleast a minimum of 5-10 active pimples, pustules, cysts, or blackheads on my face. Its gross, but its true.
I stopped taking the meds after 3 months - too many side effects! That was back in Feb '08 - I STILL have this crazy ass tan line from Aug'08 that refuses to fade. Thats how screwy this stuff is to your body.
I started oral contraceptives again and then went off after maybe a year. This caused ovarian cysts...they totally eff up your hormones and make you break out like I've been dealing with that since Sept of this year. My face isn't clear, but I'm taking a tetracycline - which is an antibiotic for the infections in my face (aka, zits). Its working, but its expensive. A pill is a bit over a buck a day and it works as long as I keep taking it indefinately....which is bad since its an antibiotic and you can develop a tolerance to it. Ugh.
Sorry...that was long....but my skin FAILS AT LIFE.