What is your latest haulage?


Well-known member
Oh why the sad face?

I went and got a 15 pan palette yesterday, came home and realised I have too many shadows now!

either I fill it up and have some loose or do I buy two and have one half empty?

Oh the dilemma..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xLongLashesx
Oh why the sad face?

I went and got a 15 pan palette yesterday, came home and realised I have too many shadows now!

either I fill it up and have some loose or do I buy two and have one half empty?

Oh the dilemma..

Freakin annoyed that I paid $56 for two palettes!!
I need to stop buying both shadows and palettes!!!!

I would buy one more.. I would rather have empty (just in case hehe) than have pots sitting around. Plus I need all the empty pots for CC and Euristocrats B2M lippies.


Well-known member
Hey - finally made it to the pro store! (and saw Nat!)

Digit e/s
Select Coverup NC20 (er... i think she was supposed to get me NW20. GRRR).
Cubic BPB
Eyelash curler
Pencil sharpener


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CatsMeow
Hey - finally made it to the pro store! (and saw Nat!)

Digit e/s
Select Coverup NC20 (er... i think she was supposed to get me NW20. GRRR).
Cubic BPB
Eyelash curler
Pencil sharpener

Oi, what are you doing there? You are supposed to be doing speed dating interviewing!

You should have given me the concealer.. I could go and swap it for you, when they have NW20 in stock.


Well-known member
I think she said NW20 for my face (nose) and NW25 for under my eyes...
but I got NC20 for my face?? i think it might be ok.... but I definitely need NW20/25 for under my eyes. I have a feeling that NW25 might be too dark for me?

Buggered if I know.

OI. I did 17 interviews today missy. (2 no-shows)


Well-known member
My haul came after much annoyance from the postal workers who labelled the package with the sender's surname instead of my surname and then told my dad that a courier must have it somewhere... when it was sitting there all along..


Smooth Merge MSF
Fashion Patch MES
Eccentricity MES
Eclectic Edge l/g
Milan Mode l/s
Via Veneto d/g
Fad-dabulous blush - I thought it was Fab-dabulous? Maybe the package is typo'd haha. I hope this isnt too dark for me

So happy
Except it looks like my fashion patch chipped a bit right in the centre


Well-known member
went to ikea 2day and got some makep storage stuff, three tray thingos one with lippy/brush holders for $25 they are supposed to go in a nit but they fit perfectly in my drawers


Well-known member
Today my Colour Craft haul arrived!
I love it when I come home and MAC is waiting for me after a trying day at work.

This is what I got:

- Smooth Merge MSF
- Sunny By Nature MSF
- Cheeky Broze MSF
- Warm Blend MSF
- Fashion Patch eye shadow
- Natural Flare eye shadow
- Eclectic Edge lipglass
- Via Veneto lipglass
- Style Demon Blush

I seriously LOVE everything! The MSF's are so gorgeous on. Pictures for the swatch thread coming soon


Well-known member
^^ yay! Do you like Natural Flare? I saw that on Pursebuzz and thought it was too 'golden'. Do you also like Eclectic edge? I might go and check Assemblage


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sambibabe
^^ yay! Do you like Natural Flare? I saw that on Pursebuzz and thought it was too 'golden'. Do you also like Eclectic edge? I might go and check Assemblage

^Natural Flare is honestly not colours I would normally wear which is part of the reason that I got it. Texture wise it is very smooth and the colours do have a glittery finish. However they all compliment my skin tone perfectly and I can see myself wearing the quad this summer for an every day kind of look. I really like it especially the dark brown colour and the bronze. Some of the colours would make amazing highlighting shades Such versatility!

Eclectic Edge feels very comfortable on my lips. It's not really sticky but unfortunately since it's dark now I can't really get a good idea of what the colour looks like. I just put some on over my Mac lip conditioner for now but when there is more light I'll experiment with a few lippies.


Well-known member
^^ Eclectic Edge is more pigmented than Tasty t/g, right? I want to get Eclectic Edge, so I can wear it over Up the Amp l/s. I don't know.. Temptalia is saying it is pink with violet pearls, but it looks lilac on people's swatches...

Yeah, those gold colours would look cool on you, especially with your bright fuschia lippies.. I don't know. When I wear shades like that, my eyes look swollen lol.


Well-known member
Assemblage and Natural Flare are at the top of my wishlist for CC, so I'm interested to hear your thoughts when you use them!


Well-known member
Ahhh I finally got my F&F haul today. I've been just about dying waiting for it all this time hehe. I got a 272, 219 and 129, brush cleaner and Fix + Rose. I am now kicking myself for not getting some other stuff, but I'm excited to try out all this stuff.


Well-known member
I still don't think Fix + is anything special? I've had a bottle for a year and haven't even used half of it. Apparently it's not meant to be a setting spray either, I've read it works in reverse.


Well-known member
Yeah it doesn't do much to 'set' I'll give it that. If anything it causes the foundation on my nose to slide around later in the day b/c my nose is so oily.

It does however smell awesome and feel really nice and refreshing!

I use it over my SFF/powder and any mineral makeup to take away the powdery look, it gives my skin a sheen that looks really nice and glowy.


Well-known member
It does work as a good toner too. I've got that book 'Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me' and she writes about how it doesn't set. She actually does a really good write up on all the MAC products.


Well-known member
Fix + doesn't do a thing for me either. It is basically better form of water in spray form. I just use it to foil mineral shadows or pigments. I am loving Jurlique Rosewater balancing mist though. I only got a sample from CatsMeow and it smells devine!