I had quite a hauling day today thanks to my adorable BF having a win at the casino and another lovely spektrette!
I picked up from DJ's on the way home from uni-
this is wonderful! Omg i'm in love
Sketch- I was worried that I had a dupe of thise already in the coastal scents palette. Thankfully I swatched them next to each other and they're nothing alike.. phew!
Painterly p/p- which actually turned out to be bare study but I didn't realise til I got on the train. d'oh!
Then when I got home a package was waiting for me from one of the lovely ladies here!
She had made me a little quad with Yoghurt, Circa Plum and I think it was Deep Purple? piggies..
This beats the pants off my Shadowy Lady quad.
Soft and Gentle MSF (I'd had my heart set on this for ages)
and a lovely extra OPI in You don't know Jacques. Not a colour I would ever have picked but I put it on and it is SO gorgeous! Really stylish and it makes my pink fingers look less pudgey and weird.
I've had such an exciting afternoon I think I need a nap!