^^ haha 11 foundation!? hahah I hauled today too!
I had my 2nd last major presentation for my hons degree today! Was alright, got asked a million qns
But whateverrr~ hehes
So i went to the city after my whole thingy to check out foundation!
& I ended up getting MAC's Studio sculpt! really liked the way it looked, not sure if I'm going to be using this for my graduation but i'll try it out for the next couple of weeks & decide if i need to get another or use this
i think this might work well.
Thank you all for your help in suggesting what I should get, you guys are the best!
& CARINA!I need to do blush out 2011 HAHA! I'm so impressed at how I can resist lip products just because we're on gloss out 2010. haha I tried to go on a lip product no-buy but it didn't work, but somehow when I'm doing it with you guys it just helps!
hahah So no glosses, BUT the MA knows i totally LOVE blushes, so after foundation she popped on Light and Dark blush & guess what? Yupp I bought it, too gorgeous to resist! Besides I only have 1 mineralized blush & i had a $20 voucher
EL Primer - it makes yr skin dewy!really like it, quite diff from the MAC one which I'm used to
STUFF IN THE MAILLL!(i ordered it before we went on gloss out 2010! But i'm probably not gonna use the glosses till i December or till I just can't resist
From LC
188, 129 and 209 brush
2 cremesheen glass (just superb & deelight)
1 Rose longwear
Moon beam
Lip gloss in freshly squeezed
Hello flawless powder (i was just super tempted by it!)
Coralista for my best friend! I love it & i think she will too! BUT I just send her parcel YESTERDAY! urgh! If only i had waited a day i could save on shipping!
Okays this is a super long post
I'm a happy camper who needs to go on a blush no-buy! HAHA