What is your 'Power' lipstick shade? (For uni, please respond)


Well-known member
When I think of a power lipstick shade, I think of a woman in a business suit. I love red and purple as power shades because they command attention and they are both bold and daring colors. I remember attending a business meeting a few years ago and I wore a bold lipcolor. Our team got the account.


Well-known member
''Power'' lipstick to me is a lipstick I wear to feel sexy. That is always a nude or purple shade. Daily I like to wear peach or pink to feel young and pretty, and for things like interviews I'd wear bare lips unless it was for a beauty/fashion related job. I think choosing a scent to wear for a specific reason is something I do more often though, it helps bring out whatever mood I know I need to be in lol.


Well-known member
I pick nude or pink. Red just makes me uncomfortable and as if I am playing dress up! Nude makes me feel like natural and confident about who I am - my little secret (what do you mean - this isnt lipstick!) Pink is fun and says I know I look good - look at me!


Well-known member
RED.. russian red to be exact. for years i shyed away from red, i still only wear it for certain occasions.