what item do you wish you hadn't SOLD?


Well-known member
my inventives eyes quad...
I wish I hadn't done that...


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Please keep this discussion focused, and note that you cannot engage in swapping and selling outside of the Clearance Bin forums. If people use this thread as an outlet to engage in swapping we will have to remove it.

Thanks for understanding.


Well-known member
"What item do you wish you hadn't SOLD?"

I don't want to think about it. I may get upset. There is always something new and special to buy. I hope.


Well-known member
I got rid of Coco Beach piggie and Goldbit...ARGH...i don't even want to think of the others I sold, but those are the "wtf was I thinking" category...


Well-known member
Let's see...
Pretty Baby BP (I am sick over this one. *cries*)
Gold Deposit MSF
Petticoat MSF
Metal Rock MSF
Delineate f/l (which I just got again thank goodnesss!)
Cockatease l/s (also just re-bought)
All-Girl (have a sample, but dang it I wish I'd have kept the jar!!)
etc., etc...ad nauseum.

There's probably more but I can't think just now. And don't even ask me about the things I kick myself over not even buying in the first place. *sigh*


Well-known member
I definately miss my Moth Brown, but it went towards a swap for a jar of All-Girl, but still...

And, I kind of miss my Earthly Riches. It was a big disappointment to me, but it was kind of nice in a way.

rocking chick

Well-known member
Well.. I regret selling off my Entremauve piggie. Initially I don't feel so but now I has learn how to use pigments, I definately miss it. Fortunately, I got to buy another one recently at Specktra at a good price. Received it today & I am so loving it. Not going to sell it off again.


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Stereo Rose
i got it from my BFF before i started wearing any kind of cheek color, and i figured it would be too bright for me anyways. I only discovered about 6 months later (after testing another friend's SR) that it is a good color for me. At least i knew it was in high demand and swapped it fairly on MUA


Well-known member
shooting star backup.
I just know i will never use up the first one so i sold it but now i think 'what if...?'
Im too scared to use my remaining one now in case i use it up, and the lid is missing so i cant take it anywhere and when i move in february im scared it will die!


Well-known member
I don't think i've let go of anything that i couldn't get again easily. Now the items i wish i had gotten backups of is a different story.


Well-known member
bubbles lipstick...i think i really could rock that shit these days.
i kind of miss my of corset! lipglass, for the same reason.

i just sold my lightscapade msf, and while i don't regret selling it, i could have gotten alot more for it than i did, and that kind of sucks. should have done my research i guess.


Well-known member
I don't really sell or swap items very often, but I do give things to my friends. I wish I hadn't given my 180 brush to my brother's girlfriend, I wish I kept a few paint pots.

I don't give away palettes or eyeshadows much. I've only given away doubles of singles I've had, and a few lustres that I couldn't get to work. =P I would never sell or trade or give away a Mineralize Skinfinish. Even if it didn't really work well, I know I'd regret it!


Well-known member
Lingerie lipstick. Dumbest move I've made yet! I gave it away, and I can't even fathom why, I really loved that color.


Well-known member
My Whirlwind nail lacquer. The girl that I swapped it with told me "Are you effing out of your mind?". I didn't know it was that rare and coveted. I swatched it again and true enough, I didn't know what I was thinking, it was the most beautiful teal polish on the face of the planet. Too bad I already had a deal with her so I went through with it.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I wish I hadn't sold my Lightscapade MSF and Otherworldly paint pot

my cco still has otherworldly I just barely bought it yesterday! so maybe you can check at your cco