Originally Posted by landonsmother
for me, i drivemy boyfriend's car which is a 2004 nissan sentra SER spec V. he acutally wanted a trucke when we first went to look for a car but i fell in love with the SER that there was no way that i was leaving the dealership without one. the next day, we went to get it after i convinced him. LOL. now he's in love with that car more than ever. i used to race with his car, but i kinda slowed my role now. don't wanna get them speeding tickets.
holy crap, that is so cool! are you or him on any of the spec forums? i actually am an admin of myspecv.com!
i drive an 2002 nissan sentra se-r spec v that has a turbo and is most likely the fastest female one in the world, hell because i am faster than most of the boys
. i race it a lot, and all that fun stuff. here's the link to my cardomain:
'02 Molten Silver Nissan SE-R Spec V Turbo
then i daily drive a 2005 nissan sentra se-r automatic which i do take to the track occasionally (heh, i daily drive it with hot pink track numbers, and people always stare at the numbers trying to figure out what they are/mean), and occasionally i get to drive my boyfriend's 2004 bmw 325xi but he's kinda possessive with it now, haha.
my boyfriend owns myspecv.com and has a turbo 2004 that is in the group of fastest in the world. so we have 3 sentras, haha.
i <3 cars. the spec v community pretty much consumes my life. i love racing sooooo much. when i lived out west in wyoming i street raced a lot and i really miss it, but now that i am back east i have to stick to the tracks. this past summer my car was in storage so i modeled a lot at car shows which was a lot of fun, too. i am so surprised to see so many other girls on here into cars! it's so awesome!