What kind of makeup turns you off and why?


Well-known member
orange or purple lips - I'm sorry but I think they look awful. I truly don't understand the appeal of Lavender Whip

clumpy mascara - just ew

obvious foundation lines - please match your skintone!

orange skin - you look like an oompaloompa

drawn on eyebrows - very very few women can actually do this well

dark lip liner and pale lips - just looks odd

Thats all I can think of for now. Hope I didn't offend anyone!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I never understood the problem with this.

When I see it, I just feel something is missing. The whole look doesn't look complete to me. It's like a bangin' outfit, and crappy shoes, or something like that


Well-known member
Okay I have another one. I have seen some drop dead gorgeous girls, who are SO skilled at doing makeup.. but they can't do their eyebrows. They draw them on way too dark for their face. Like they dragged a black crayon across. Ontop of it being too dark they are badly drawn on.
I don't understand how someone can be so talented at makeup but be clueless when it comes to brows
It ruins the whole look sometimes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by OfficerJenny
I never understood the problem with this.

I didn't know anyone had a problem with it. I am screwed. Just goes to show everyone is so different in their preferences!
I don't wear anything on my lips except chapstick 99% of the time because I have naturally very rosey pigmented lips and I don't feel the need to add color all the time.


Active member
Originally Posted by SolarWhite
Okay I have another one. I have seen some drop dead gorgeous girls, who are SO skilled at doing makeup.. but they can't do their eyebrows. They draw them on way too dark for their face. Like they dragged a black crayon across. Ontop of it being too dark they are badly drawn on.
I don't understand how someone can be so talented at makeup but be clueless when it comes to brows
It ruins the whole look sometimes.

I think brows to most people are more of an afterthought. Kind of like "well... I guess I should color/groom them". As opposed to thinking of it as "the icing on the cake" (which is how I see brows being; brows can make or break a make up look) but more as an add-on of sorts.

Poor brows, so understated.


Well-known member

I really don't have a problem with how other ladies do their makeup. Hey, if it makes them happy...I'm happy.

however, I have noticed that some people want to put those cool pinky-nude lipstick on me. When I have a tan, I look dead. The zombie look is really not what I'm all about. So I stay clear, especially if they are frosty. *shudder*

I also don't look good with thick liquid liner on. I tried it once. It looked bad. Never again. I have to say, some gals look good with the thick retro liner...and I am totally jealous of y'all. :p

I had a friend once who was really into the spray/fake bottle tan. And she wore frosty pink lipstick, and bleached her hair until it was white to boot. Not really such a great look for her. Mostly because her hair was fried and she was orange. Kind of like an oompa-loompa meets bleachy-blonde stripper.
Last time I saw her she had quit both the bottle tanner and bleach. I wasn't one to criticize her cause I know I've done stupid looks too, but IMHO she looked much better. So, I suppose it could be one look I wasn't really keen on.


Originally Posted by SolarWhite
Okay I have another one. I have seen some drop dead gorgeous girls, who are SO skilled at doing makeup.. but they can't do their eyebrows. They draw them on way too dark for their face. Like they dragged a black crayon across. Ontop of it being too dark they are badly drawn on.
I don't understand how someone can be so talented at makeup but be clueless when it comes to brows
It ruins the whole look sometimes.

I completely agree. Ladies, if you know what you're doing, then by all means pluck your own eyebrows. But if you don't, find some help! Eyebrows are so important; they shape the face. I cringe when I see someone who may already have thin, sparse eyebrows to begin with and overpluck their eyebrows! Overdrawn eyebrows are sad, too. I have dense eyebrows myself, and although I'm very grateful that I don't need to draw in my brows at all, sometimes I'd like sparser brows for that 'softer' look. Dark, dark brows are soo very harsh. Sometimes I don't understand why anyone would want to even fake that look.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia

I really don't have a problem with how other ladies do their makeup. Hey, if it makes them happy...I'm happy.

however, I have noticed that some people want to put those cool pinky-nude lipstick on me. When I have a tan, I look dead. The zombie look is really not what I'm all about. So I stay clear, especially if they are frosty. *shudder*

I also don't look good with thick liquid liner on. I tried it once. It looked bad. Never again. I have to say, some gals look good with the thick retro liner...and I am totally jealous of y'all. :p

I had a friend once who was really into the spray/fake bottle tan. And she wore frosty pink lipstick, and bleached her hair until it was white to boot. Not really such a great look for her. Mostly because her hair was fried and she was orange. Kind of like an oompa-loompa meets bleachy-blonde stripper.
Last time I saw her she had quit both the bottle tanner and bleach. I wasn't one to criticize her cause I know I've done stupid looks too, but IMHO she looked much better. So, I suppose it could be one look I wasn't really keen on.

You just described Lindsay Lohan,
lmao. I hate when she wears that nude pinky lipstick, doesn't look right.


Well-known member
I'm going to hell, my brows are rarely ever "done" why? I have a 2 year old I'm glad I have foundation on most of the time


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stronqerx
You just described Lindsay Lohan,
lmao. I hate when she wears that nude pinky lipstick, doesn't look right.

heh. yeah, I didn't *mean* to describe Lindsay, but now that I think about it...yeah, does sound kind of like her. I loved her as a red-head, but the bottle blonde look just....doesn't look right. Especially cause her eyebrows are still dark. Oooh....that bothers me. I dunno...there is part of me that
's Lindsay and her movies (I haven't seen anything she's been in since Mean Girls, though), but part of me detests her makeup, hair, etc. Quite the cunundrum, eh?

But the friend I was talking about had her hair more this color. But, she was even more orange, if you can imagine that. It was all sorts of sad.

Hmm....now that I think about it, she reminded me of one of those ganguro girls from Japan. At least I think that is what they are called....forgive me if I'm wrong. Ya know, the girls with "panda" eye makeup and white/light-pink lips with orangey spray tans. I just don't get the look. I read somewhere that it was about Japanese rebellion among the youth, but I don't study Japaneese culture, so I don't even pretend to know. But this is the look.


Well-known member
Fake tans, VISIBLE JAW LINE from poor make up application or completely mismatched make up. Ewwww :x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by nelyanaphonexia
heh. yeah, I didn't *mean* to describe Lindsay, but now that I think about it...yeah, does sound kind of like her. I loved her as a red-head, but the bottle blonde look just....doesn't look right. Especially cause her eyebrows are still dark. Oooh....that bothers me. I dunno...there is part of me that
's Lindsay and her movies (I haven't seen anything she's been in since Mean Girls, though), but part of me detests her makeup, hair, etc. Quite the cunundrum, eh?

But the friend I was talking about had her hair more this color. But, she was even more orange, if you can imagine that. It was all sorts of sad.

Hmm....now that I think about it, she reminded me of one of those ganguro girls from Japan. At least I think that is what they are called....forgive me if I'm wrong. Ya know, the girls with "panda" eye makeup and white/light-pink lips with orangey spray tans. I just don't get the look. I read somewhere that it was about Japanese rebellion among the youth, but I don't study Japaneese culture, so I don't even pretend to know. But this is the look.

HAHAHA, those are not good looks! Yeah I dunno what happened to Lindsay, in that picture she still looked sort of good though, she looks different now. As far as christina aguilera goes, idk what happened there...that's a whole lotta orange! & that whole ganguro look I think it died out already over there...that's some scary make up, but hey whatever floats your boat right?

Btw, I couldn't stop laughing because the pics kept getting more orange as I clicked, yikes!


Well-known member
I don't like the light hair with the dark eyebrows look. It's ugly. I also hate the overly pale undereye concealer. What else?? Oh and when girls have uber dramatic eyebrows to the point where they are almost unibrows (not quite but u get the point). The WORST one is when girls (predominantly asian girls) draw on super duper thick black eyeliner so when they look down or blink, it's just a bunch of blackness. It's unflattering. I think that's all I can think of right now.


Well-known member
This irks me Red-Orange Lipstick. I like red lips don't get me wrong but Red-Orange lips. Save that crap for winter.


Well-known member
Fake tans.

Bronzer lines.
Bronzer all over the face and not just on the high points.

Foundation lines.
Unmatched foundation.
Foundation blended down the neck or down past the jawline. Your foundation should match well enough that you don't have to pull it down your neck! Most people only need it in the centre of their face.

Dark liner, white lips.

The "natural" look... with fake tan lines and thick foundation everywhere and using so much product that the face looks like an ice cream cake.

..No thanks.


"geisha" lips! Why are you only putting color on the center of your mouth?! You're not a geisha!
YUCK! 99% of the time it looks terrible. I can't understand how that fad got started.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by magicmorgan
"geisha" lips! Why are you only putting color on the center of your mouth?! You're not a geisha!
YUCK! 99% of the time it looks terrible. I can't understand how that fad got started.

I agree- It's one of the looks best left for the runway. I saw maybe ONE girl pull it off but that's it.

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