I'm actually NC25, I wear Studio Fix fluid, Mineralize satin finish, Loose foundation in Medium, Mineralize skin finish in Medium Plus. but bcos i look very olive for some reason i look alot darker like NC35, and when most of the M/A look at me they say, "NC35" but when they put it on me, its bright orange!LOL
Ive been sold NC35/C4/NC400 in the past (before i really knew anything about MAC) and it looked ok in the store, but when i walk out in daylight, there'd be an orange streak across my jaw! horrific! but since ive been getting matched at the free store in Birmingham or Pro store in London, I'm a NC25 and very happy with the colour finally after 4 years of looking like an umpa lumpa! and to think I almost gave up on MAC foundation... Has anyone ever had this strange thing before?