What makes everything better for you after a breakup?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Tinkee-Belle
For me... I like to get a total makeover after a breakup. I go shopping and get all new clothes, change my hair color, get a spray tan, and get my nails done. That way when you run into him you are looking HOT and when they try to win you back... DENY them!! Works everytime! He'll be feeling shitty about himself in no time!

Thats exactly what I have done with my new hair and look :) Couldent of put it better myself!

Also I thought of another one...Dancing round your room singing in to your hairbrush...To very femenist songs...Nothing better :)


Well-known member
2. girly night out...lots of wine, dancing and laughs!
3. new hair, clothes, makeup
4. deleting pics of phone/ binning/ripping up sentimental cards, teddies etc...fresh start!
5. letting my inner child run riot atleast once - once told an ex's gossipy friend a REALLY juicy embarrassing secret of his mwaha!
6. cry, scream, vent if you need too!
7. singing "i will survive" just because its sooo cheesy!!!!!!!! very cliche but will cheer anyone up! or just being a 'i hate men' feminist for a day!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbey_08
7. singing "i will survive" just because its sooo cheesy!!!!!!!! very cliche but will cheer anyone up! or just being a 'i hate men' feminist for a day!

Put that as your ring tone! Turns a few heads.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
Knowing that my ex will never find someone better then me


Yep, that indeed makes it ALL better.

Exactly!!!! It's HIS lost, not mine!!!

Spend time with my girlfriends. Go shopping. Make new friends. List out all the things I hate about him helps too. And... find a new man!


Well-known member
i do those exact same things. its just keeping yourself busy and not laying in bed feeling sorry for yourself that helps with the dealing. after that, all thats left is just reminiscing every once in a blue.


Well-known member
Well I've only been in one other serious relationship other than the one I am in now, and after I stopped acting crazy, which took a couple of months, my friends are really what helped me realize that I was okay. Hanging out with new people also helped a lot too, it showed me that not all people suck, like my ex haha.
I'm moving in a couple of months and I am going to have to end my relationship with my current SO, so this thread is nice to see right now


Well-known member
keeping myself distracted
and actually relationship books. ones that empowered you and told you that you would find another man. it stoped me from feleign like id be alone lol.


Well-known member
oh! one great thing is the power of a crush
get a school girl crush on a guy and it lifts your spirits some
flirting also helps
cuz you feel like "dang i got it! lol"


Well-known member
^ True mila, crushes help so much!

Similiar to a lot of what has been posted already, I have to keep myself distracted. Get out and get some other stuff bouncing around in my head other than Him.

Time has healed so many of the deeply hurtful things I have experienced. I'm sure they have all changed me, but time has numbed so much of the pain I thought I would never escape from.

Making a clean break is so important for me, cutting off all contact and learning to be on my own time and in my own space again. I guess you need to keep that sense of self in relationships all along, but it can be so hard when you're caught up in the whirlwind of it all... and it is so difficult to come back down to Earth again.

I try to convince myself that the right person and right relationship for me would never have been the way it was anyway, and that it is a waste of time to get stuck on something that just wasn't going to fit.

Lots of good, long cries! Was always fond of binge eating, too.


Well-known member
When i broke it off with my bf it felt so good, i felt like a weight had been lifted. Then i felt guilty,wondering if i did the right thing or not. This is what helped;
Talking it through with someone(my sister in this case)
Wine and nibbles with friends so i could blast about all his crapness
Listening to Jagged Little Pill album lol
Change my look around
Harmless flirting with males
Reminding myself that there is someone better for me out there


Well-known member
"Knowing" that his future gfs will not measure up to you... (bitchy but, WHO CARES lol)...
Just keeping busy.
And setting your sights on someone else.
Well, at least that's what I had to do.

But of course, nothing heals quite like time. SUCKS!


I'm so relationship oriented, it kills me every time I go through a breakup like it's the first time I've ever had my heart broken.
I go out as much as I can, and see as many people as I can.

Really the thing that makes me feel better is meeting a new guy and getting the chance to flirt relentlessly. Once you know it was his problem, not yours, you still got it, if you knowwadimean.

Also I like to garden. It's so theraputic.


Originally Posted by Shanti
"Knowing" that his future gfs will not measure up to you... (bitchy but, WHO CARES lol)...

This is true. I've had 2 guys break up with me, and come back later after I had moved on and say "But we should get back together! It was such a mistake to dump you! I miss you! blah blah blah I shouldn't have dumped you I'm stupid. But the sex was so good!"


Well-known member
My number one success tool is cut off contact from the ex.

For me, it always starts with me wanting to look better out of revenge... but then I really enjoy pampering myself and working out.

Then, I try to spend A LOT of time with friends and family. Just keeping distracted, I prefer to not do anything that requires too much quiet or alone time because it gets me thinking.

Lastly, I usually call back guys that have been interested in me in the past and hope to spark some flirting just for a self esteem boost.

The rest I leave for time to fade away...

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