What makeup is she wearing??


New member
I personally don't think outlaw...at least not alone. I would say maybe Outlaw on the back part of the cheeks and either desire or mata hari on the apples.

Of course you could just use a bronzer instead of outlaw and one of the pinks I suggested above...just to save money.

The difference between the two:
Desire is more of a true med cotton candy pink and has cooler tone
Mata hari is a soft rose pink and is neutral/warm


Active member
Oh ok thanks! Well I had Desire and that didnt work out too well for me so I may try Outlaw and Mata Hari :) I would like to try a NARS cream blush that compliments Outlaw...any idea?? I got Chanel Giggle and Nude liner for the lips and I think thats a pretty close match ;-)