Charlie (all of em!) and Red Door -- Horkkkkkk. It reminds me of when I used to go to my grandma's church as a kid, and all of the old ladies bathed with either Charlie or Red Door. I remember as a kid, the smell was so strong throughout the room that I stayed in the bathroom (or wandered around the rest of the church) for the duration of the service because the overwhelming smell made me sick.
Spirit by Antonio Banderas for women -- It smells like cat spray. Nasty nasty nasty! I also get an allergic reaction from it. Joy!
There was also this Antonio Banderas "Night Fever" limited edition fragrance they had out earlier this year, and every time someone sprayed the tester, I'd have to go hide out in the stockroom for fifteen minutes because I found it extremely hard to breathe when it was sprayed.
There was also this one perfume that Walgreens had out a while back (it had some French-sounding name), and god forbid every time someone sprayed that tester out on the tables, I instantly got a migraine headache and became very, very nauseous. It was cheap, vomit-inducing mess, and I'm glad they got rid of it.